O’Reilly Velocity Conference is Coming!

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Velocify Conference Discount Code

I wanted to give everyone a quick reminder that O'Reilly's Velocity Conference is coming up from June 24-26 in Santa Clara, CA.  Velocity conference gets me super excited because it's the conference that focuses on front-end performance, not simply front-end techniques.  Too often we're so happy when our widget, site, or app works that we don't take the time to stop, analyze performance, and adjust.

Velocity Conference addresses mobile and desktop performance, CSS performance, JavaScript performance, and network performance.  Top speakers like Laura Swanson of Etsy, Stoyan Stefanov of Facebook, Pamela Fox of Khan Academy, and several other performance speakers will be sharing their knowledge and insight.

Discount Code:  AFF20

Due to the big response of my first post, O'Reilly has provided me another discount code of AFF20 to get you 20% off the conference cost.  Hang on to that cash for drinks, dinner, and networking.  Or sweeten the pot for your employer by letting them know you're saving 20%.  Either way, enjoy the discount code!

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