Velocity NY is Coming!

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Velocity Conference

O'Reilly's Velocity Conference is quickly approaching -- it's September 15-17 in beautiful New York.  As a follow up to last month's post, I wanted to make sure people knew I had 3 more tickets left to give away to this epic front-end performance conference!

In my last post, I asked for links to awesome performance-related articles.  I learned a ton and I hope you did too!  This time I'm looking for something a bit more interactive!  In the comments below, please post a link to an awesome demo.  Whether it's a CSS animation or a canvas/WebGL masterpiece, I want to see something epic!

If you entered via the previous post, your entry will be put in the drawing for subsequent ticket giveaways. If you don't want to chance it and want to get a 20% off discount to the conference, use code AFF20 after clicking this link!

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  1. This demo blew my mind. Seeing the solar system in action with nothing but CSS animations and a sprinkle of javascript:

  2. Cool collection of patterns generated using only CSS:

  3. Sue

    Zooming in and out on this periodic table while switching between table, helix, sphere and grid provides such an engaging experience for the user. You may even discover elements you hadn’t heard of by toggling between the different views.

  4. Mozilla’s work with Epic in porting the Unreal 3 engine to JavaScript always impressed me. Having a hard time finding the actual Citadel demo on my phone but there’s a good review with screenshots here:

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!