MooTools CountDown Plugin

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There are numerous websites around the internet, RapidShare for example, that make you wait an allotted amount of time before presenting you with your reward. Using MooTools, I've created a CountDown plugin that allows you to easily implement a similar system.

The MooTools JavaScript

var CountDown = new Class({

	Implements: [Options,Events],

	options: {
		element: 'countdown',
		start: 10,
		finish: 0,
		startFont: '36px',
		finishFont: '12px',
		onComplete: $empty,
		duration: 1000
	initialize: function(options) {
		//set options
	//get things started
	start: function() {
	anim: function() {
		var fx = new Fx.Tween(this.options.element,{
			duration: this.options.duration,
			link: 'ignore',
			onComplete: function() {
				if(this.options.start >= this.options.finish) {
				} else {

/* usage */
window.addEvent('domready',function() {
	var cd = new CountDown({
		element: $('countdown'),
		start: 12,
		finish: 0,
		onComplete: function() {
			this.options.element.set('text','Done! Your special code is: ').setStyle('color','#090');

The CountDown class provides options to allow you to customize your countdown:

  • element: The element that will contain the countdown text
  • start: The starting number (defaults to 10)
  • finish: The ending number (defaults to 0)
  • duration: Duration between numbers (defaults to 1000, or 1 second)
  • startFont: The starting text font-size
  • finishFont: The ending text font-size

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Incredible Demos


  1. That looks really cool, David!

  2. That’s 100% better than the RapidShare countdowns.

  3. yeah it is better then the rapidshare countdown.

  4. This is so cool!

  5. Very cool effect! I love it :)

  6. cssProdigy

    Once again , great job!

  7. This is pretty cool. Nice one.

  8. Nice script. The animation looks great. And is super useful. I’m trying to mod your script so I can use as a time based ajax form saving tool, like Gmail or Facebook does with messages as a user types… I’m using the basic MooTools Form.Send event but am having something difficulties.

    window.addEvent('domready', function() {
    $('myForm').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
        //Prevents the default submit event from loading a new page.
        //Empty the log and show the spinning indicator.
        var log = $('log_res').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
        //Set the options of the form's Request handler. 
        //("this" refers to the $('myForm') element).
        this.set('send', {onComplete: function(response) { 
            log.set('html', response);
        //Send the form.

    Where and how would I go about using the above Form.Send event as function that is called from your countdown script once it reaches the end. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been tinkering for a few hours with nothing working… it’s prolly a little over my head.

  9. Justin

    can this be used to add external content from another page after the countdown?

  10. yeffo

    This kind of plugin is what I needed for my site, it’s great!!! The shame is that when I try to put a variable in the start and finish inputs it don’t works ç_ç

    I’m sure, David, that you can help me and people like that is tryng to do the same… I’ll be very gratefull, if you do

  11. Ho thai tru nhan

    hi david !can you help me buil the countdown .
    it not work with my mootool file.if i use your file (moo1.2.js) have conflig inmy site.

    plsease help me !
    this my file

    first Thanks for this !

  12. Thanx!

    Exactly what i needed :)

  13. Hi David,

    Very Nice effect !

    Did you plan to manage timestamp and display like :

    1 hours 38 minutes 03
    1 hours 38 minutes 02


  14. Hi David,

    I extend your plugin to manage timestamp.
    I draft the article on my blog (in French and in English).
    Could I give you the link?

    I shall quote you in the thanks.

    (A friend will translate the french version because my english isn’t fluent :s)

  15. Here, this is the MooCountdown :

    It extends this class to the use of Timestamp.

    Thanks for your work =)

  16. Clayton Swan

    Hey I’ve been looking at your timer here and I like it alot but I need to add something to it and I cannot figure out how.

    What I need is a way of stopping it mid-way through at an arbitrary point. I can’t figure out how.

    Does anybody have any ideas?

  17. I am having trouble getting this to work in Asp.Net. Here is my HTML code below. Do I need to assign it to a label or some other type of control? Any suggestions? Thanks.

        startNumber: 10,
        callBack: function (me) {
            $(me).text('All done! This is where you give the reward!').css('color', '#090');
  18. This tool is beneficiary for both intermediate and advanced Java developer. Good framework.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!