SitePen: Creating and Enhancing Dojo Classes

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You have probably noted over the past few months that I've been working a lot with the Dojo Toolkit.  SitePen has been kind enough to allow me to guest blog about a Dojo topic I find very interesting:  creating and enhancing Dojo classes.  From the post:

Like all top-notch JavaScript toolkits, Dojo tries to make its classes as flexible as possible, knowing that users of the toolkit may have different ideas about how a given class or class method should work. Luckily, Dojo provides you a number of methods by which you can subclass or modify existing classes. Let's examine a few ways you can make Dojo classes exactly the way you like.

Click here to check it out!

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  1. Bitels

    Maybe you’ll be able to help me with understanding new way of class definition in new dojo. I’m using latest version of dojo. I try to define a few classes in separate files. Example (js/TwitterManager.js):

    require([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/request/script"],
        function( declare, script)
           declare("TwitterManager", script, {
                // The default username
                username: "defaultUser",
                get: function()
                    script.get("", {
                            jsonp: "callback",
                            query: {q: "#dojo"}
                            //we're only interested in response.results, so strip it off and return it
                            return response.results;

    Then I try to instantiate this class in main file (index.html):

    require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/query",  "dojo/mouse", "dojo/domReady!"],
        function(on, dom, query, mouse) {
            var x = new TwitterManager();
            var results = x.get();

    This code doesn’t work. But when I remove from class definition “request/script” module it works fine. I really need to use “script.get” method in this class. Of course all code might be put in index.html :) but I look for OOP approach in dojo 1.8.


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