Weekend Links – JavaScript Time Picker, Cuil Search, AJAX Site Thumbnails, IE6, Twitter

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Javascript Time Picker

This new MooTools-based script allows you to pick a specific time by dragging and dropping hour and minute hands. Pretty cool, although I'm not sure it makes picking times on forms much easier.


Former Employees of Google Prepare Rival Search Engine

A novel story, but I don't see Cuil becoming anything close to Google. Neat search engine but Google is just too far ahead.


AJAX-Alexa-Thumbnails: API to Get Site Thumbnails

I've long wanted to figure out how to get site thumbnails. Now Alexa offers site thumbnails via ajax. Awesome.


Transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer 6

Yet another attempt at a solution to fix IE6's PNG problems. Good, but not perfect -- still has position issues.


Auto Twittering is Ridiculous

Chris Coyier rants on how ridiculous it is to auto-Twitter. I agree.


And Just For Fun...


Recent Features

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    7 Essential JavaScript Functions

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    Create a CSS Cube

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Incredible Demos

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    CSS Circles

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    Telephone Link Protocol

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  1. I fell for that Ugliest Facebook Profile Ever. :)

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!