Weekend Links – CSS Fonts, YAML CSS Framework, CompressorRater, PHP Image Cloud, Who’s Online

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CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thing

What? There's more than just Verdana? Håkon Wium Lie discusses the use of TrueType fonts in CSS.

YAML The CSS Framework

YAML is a CSS framework to help programmers and designers to create multicolumn layouts. I prefer to create my own, but this can help.

CompressorRater - Rate JavaScript Compression Utilities

Compressor Rater takes server JavaScript compression utilities including JSMin, Packer, Dojo Shrinksafe, and the YUI Compressors. Awesome utility, check it out.

PHP Image Cloud Using jQuery

A really cool image cloud utility using jQuery. Not very useful, but sure is cool!

The Fastest Way To See How Many People Are Online

A clever way to find out how many persons are on your website by calculating the number of sessions in the specified sessions folder. Uses PHP, check it out!

Recent Features

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    An Interview with Eric Meyer

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    Send Text Messages with PHP

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    jQuery Link Nudging

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    CSS Scoped Styles

    There are plenty of awesome new attributes we've gotten during the HTML5 revolution:  placeholder, download, hidden, and more.  Each of these attributes provides us a different level of control over an element on the page, but there's a new element attribute that allows...


    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!