Theory / Ideas Tutorials

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    Eliminating Distractions

    One of my massive pet peeves as a web developer has always been distractions.  I hate unnecessary distractions, I can't stand being kept away from work, and I loathe waiting on others to get their part done so I can get my tasks done.  Alas, you...

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    Write Your CSS with JavaScript

    Sometimes programming is just using the right tool. This may be a framework, library or as it happens in my case CSS preprocessor. You probably don't realize it, but LESS or SASS have a lot of constraints. I managed to change that by writing my own...

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    Per-Project Whitespace with EditorConfig

    Standards can change from project to project.  Single quotes or double quotes?  MooTools, Dojo, or micro-frameworks?  And then the question that has started wars:  spaces or tabs?  I'm a tab guy myself but the team that I work on has set a two-space standard.  It's not...

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    9 Signs You Shouldn’t Hire THAT Web Guy – 2013 Edition

    Back in February 2008, this blog arguably hit its peak (/me weeps). I was still a bit of a noob web developer and I cringe when I see some of my older code, but it's back then when I wrote 9 Signs Not to...

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    CSS Idea:  /*autoprefix*/

    Using utilities likes SASS and Compass have made me me think a lot about how we can improve CSS in the short term.  Of course all CSS proposals should go through the W3C standardization process, but the problem is that those processes take a long time.

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    Thoughts on Working Remotely

    The big news hit recently that Yahoo! gave remote workers an ultimatum:  move to Yahoo! offices or find a new job.  I was shocked that a company like Y! would ever do such a thing.  I've worked remotely for the past three years and I...

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    4 More Tech Recruiter Do’s and Dont’s

    My initial post, Tech Recruiter Do's and Don'ts, got  quite a bit of attention.  Probably because we've all been victim to poor recruitment in one way or another.  The original reasons were good but it didn't take long to think up a few more reasons...

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    One Month Without Cable TV

    I ditched DIRECTV about a month ago.  There were many reasons for doing so, a few including: I live in Madison, Wisconsin and it gets very cold and snowy each winter.  Whenever one of these storms would hit, I'd have a hard time getting reception for days. My...

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    Confessions of a Web Developer XIII

    It's been quite a while since I've gotten a few things off of my chest and since I'm always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: As Firefox OS inches toward a 1.0 release, I cannot wait to see how the product changes...

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    Tech Recruiter Do’s and Don’ts

    Tech recruiting is big business.  Hire the right developers and you have the next big thing;  hire the wrong developers and you have a team full of egos, problems, and headaches.  I've gotten a fair share of recruiter emails over the past five years and, as...