Sponsored Tutorials

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    Complete Server Stability and Security with Plesk

    Every few years my hosting sponsor will provide me a new VPS to host this WordPress blog.  I love having a VPS so I have complete control over my server and the environment but one thing I do know is that I don't want to play...

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    Great Tools to Use in Your Projects

    Every day it's a new tool available on the market. 30 days means 30 tools. For sure your time is dedicated for winning projects and dealing with your clients. We are here to help you, that's why we happily selected best tools to use. Your team...

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    No Coding Needed – 20 New Pre-built Websites Examples

    Pre-built websites represent a new and exciting trend in web design. They give the user a solid foundation to work from, and they serve as excellent conceptual design tools as well. The 20 examples shown here, the latest in Be Theme's extensive selection of 190+ pre-built...

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    A Short List of Good Design to Code Services

    It makes sense to place development in the hands of qualified individuals or coding teams that will get the work done, and get it done right. A question many web designers are confronted with is which coding outfit to choose. Are they all about the same, or...

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    Check Out The Best Tools To Use For Your Projects

    If you’re just staring up with a website or application, you shouldn’t miss out on some of the best tools and resources available out there. Some of them could prove to be real life savers. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list for you to...

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    Making Portfolios And Websites Is An Easy Job With These Tools

    To do the best possible job, it always helps to have the best tools for that job. If you are somewhat new to the website or portfolio-building game, you could not be expected to know which tools are the best and what makes them so. We've done...

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    2016’s Most Important Web Apps & Tools

    Tickera.com If you are looking for a plugin to help you with selling and delivering tickets for your event to your attendees, then Tickera is probably one of the best choices to help you with this! Not only does it take care of...

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    To Get Things Done You Need Both Sides of the Brain

    On the surface, design agency teams might appear to corner the market on creative thinking; leaving the developers the task of transforming their creative ideas into code. Projects should go more smoothly when the two groups work closely together, but a wall often separates them. Designers toss...

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    Mighty Deals:  57 Display Fonts, 230 Textures & 100s of Design Extras

    It's time for another exciting Mighty Deal Exclusive! This super mega bundle from Tom Chalky includes 57 hand-drawn fonts, 230 textures and brushes, and hundreds of extra design elements! If you were lucky enough to snag Tom Chalky's mega bundle in early 2015, you know how...

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    10+ WordPress Themes That Will Add Value to Your Projects

    It takes time and effort to find the best of anything when you have dozens of candidates to choose from. This can be especially true when most of them happen to be labeled "premium". In the case of WordPress themes, we've done most of the work...