Shell Tutorials

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    git tag

    git tag is used to pin down a given revision as significant, often for the purpose of officially releasing code.  Once a tag is created, it's often referred to by build and deploy scripts instead of the tag's represented commit.  Tagging revisions  and deleting tags in git is easy...

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    Getting Started with ES6 (ES2015) and Babel

    If you don't do much work with Node.js there's a good chance you haven't explored the new syntax additions to the JavaScript language provided by ES2015.  These language additions include arrow functions, classes, block scoping, and more.  These language additions have slowly made their way to Chrome...

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    Get a Single Header with cURL

    Debugging third party apps can be difficult for a variety of reasons.  You take for granted that the third party has not only properly coded their app but that their server is also serving files properly.  As more a developer than a sysadmin I tend to spend a long...

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    List Recent git Commits from Command Line

    GitHub is an amazing service which brings the boring, sometimes difficult git command line tool to life.  Oftentimes instead of futzing with the command line I'll simply bring up GitHub and find what I need.  In the year 2016, however, I'm trying to break away from GUI...

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    Create a Global .gitignore

    The .gitignore file is cherished by developers because it can keep repositories clean after build files and OS-generated files (like .DS_Store) clutter the structure of your repository. What I find is that I'm constantly adding the same files and directories (like node_modules) to every repository...

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    Convert Image to ASCII Art with Node.js

    There are many people out there that don't appreciate ASCII art;  we call those people "idiots".  ASCII art has been used forever and remains, in my opinion, a feat of programming and creativity.  There's a project called image-to-ascii which doesn't just create ascii art but does so from...

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    Get Redirect URL with cURL

    URL redirects can be glorious or annoying depending on which side of them you are on and which side you want to be on.  Redirects are helpful for vanity URLs (useful in advertising) but sometimes they're annoying in that they could potentially break your code if you...

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    Adding ESLint with gulp.js

    I've noticed that I am a loose coder on my personal projects but want some level of decorum on Mozilla and other open source projects.  The more developers you have contributing to a project, the tighter the ship you must keep.  The easiest way to do that is...

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    Colorful Node.js Message Logging with Chalk

    As you work more and more with Node.js, you start to see the value of good logging, especially to the console.  The problem you run into, however, is that constantly adding logged messages means that the most important messages can get lost in the shuffle.  Info messages should...

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    Managing Node.js Versions with nvm

    A while back I wrote a blog post called Upgrade Node.js with NPM.  The shell commands within that post work great but there were reports in the comments that it could mess with node module paths and such -- a far from ideal situation.  Little did...