Get Weather from Command Line

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There's an awesome script making the rounds on Twitter and I've been as excited as everyone else so I thought I'd show it.  Many of us live eight hours a day within the command line (although I'm not a vim hippie like some of you) so I try to find new ways to accomplish tasks from within iTerm (like getting bitcoin value or stock quotes).  Many of these solutions include using cURL and this awesomeness is no exception!

curl weather

You can get weather information from command line using cURL and

# Allow geolocation
curl -4

# Request a city
curl -4 does well to guess location if one isn't provided so in most cases you wont need to provide your city.

There you go, another awesome way to get the information you need from command line!

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  1. Jeremy

    Frickin’ genius!

  2. Lis

    This is excellent! As a relative rube when it comes to the command line though, can someone kindly explain the purpose of -4 in the command? I seem to get the same results whether I include it or leave it out.

  3. David

    It looks like iTerm here translates/renders the curl response HTML output? Or curl implicitly does that (if so what version of curl are you using)? Because the raw HTML (unprocessed) does not look as nicely displayed as the screenshot. Only if you render the HTML will it look like that.

  4. Chris

    I created an (OS X only) to automatically show your local weather:

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!