Markup Tutorials
AJAX Username Availability Checker Using MooTools
Another one of my popular, early blog posts has been AJAX Username Availability Checker Using MooTools 1.2. Looking back now, the code is atrocious and very inflexible. I've taken some time to update the post to be more reliable, clean, and speedy. The...
Focusable Elements with tabindex
I was recently debugging a Dojo-fueled web application that features a "Tree" dijit (much like Christoph Pojer's MooTools Tree Component). The tree's container had a fixed width and an CSS "overflow" property of "hidden" to avoid scrolling. The problem I was encountering...
Digg-Style Dynamic Share Widget Using the Dojo Toolkit
I've always seen Digg as a very progressive website. Digg uses experimental, ajaxified methods for comments and mission-critical functions. One nice touch Digg has added to their website is their hover share widget. Here's how to implement that functionality on your site...
Using jQuery or MooTools For Drag, Drop, Sort, Save
One of my most popular posts has been Using MooTools 1.2 for Drag, Drop, Sort, Save. My post detailed how you can create a drag'n'drop, AJAX-ified system to allow the user to drag and drop elements and quickly save them with PHP and...
Better Pull Quotes with the Dojo Toolkit
Chris Coyier authored a post titled Better Pull Quotes: Don't Repeat Markup a while back. In his post he created great-looking pull quotes without repeating any content -- instead he uses jQuery to dynamically create the pull quotes. A few months back...
Create GitHub-Style Buttons with CSS and jQuery, MooTools, or Dojo JavaScript
I'm what you would consider a bit of a GitHub fanboy. We all know that GitHub is the perfect place to store repositories of open source code, but I think my love of GitHub goes beyond that. GitHub seems to understand that most...
Create Twitter-Style Buttons with the Dojo Toolkit
I love that JavaScript toolkits make enhancing web pages incredibly easy. Today I'll cover an effect that I've already coded with MooTools: creating a Twitter-style animated "Sign In" button. Check out this five minute tutorial so you can take your static...
Use Custom Missing Image Graphics Using Dojo
A few months back I posted an article about how you can use your own "missing image" graphics when an image fails to load using MooTools and jQuery. Here's how to do the same using Dojo. The HTML We'll delegate the image to display by class...
Animated AJAX Record Deletion Using Dojo
I'm a huge fan of WordPress' method of individual article deletion. You click the delete link, the menu item animates red, and the item disappears. Here's how to achieve that functionality with Dojo JavaScript. The PHP - Content & Header The following snippet goes at the...
Create Elements on the Fly with MooTools 1.3 and Slick
As we were so excited to announce last week, MooTools 1.3 beta has been released. MooTools 1.3 marks the introduction of Slick, an ultra flexible, ultra powerful selector engine created by Thomas Aylott, Fabio Costa, and