Guest Blogger Tutorials
SitePen: Creating and Enhancing Dojo Classes
You have probably noted over the past few months that I've been working a lot with the Dojo Toolkit. SitePen has been kind enough to allow me to guest blog about a Dojo topic I find very interesting: creating and enhancing Dojo classes. From the...
NetTuts: Sexy Animated Tabs Using MooTools
I've just released my third NetTuts post: . From the post: One modern, attractive way of placing a lot of content into a little space is by using a tab system. This tutorial will show you how to create a sexy, animated tab...
Load Your Static Content the Dynamic Way
One of the catch 22's of owning a blog or site on the cheap is that of not breaking the budget, while tip-toeing around an overly constrictive space/bandwidth quota. Along with countless others, I myself am often hanging in the aforementioned balance. One solution...
Using Weather Data to Change Your Website’s Appearance through PHP and CSS
A few weeks back,'s Chris Coyier asked me to help him use PHP and the Yahoo Weather API to create a website header that changes based on the weather. Mission accomplished! Skip over to the article and...
Change Text Size On Click With JavaScript
A lot of blogs and websites that have a wide range of users tend to have buttons or images that change the text size for easier readability. This can easily be implemented with a bit of JavaScript and some HTML to attach it to. There are...
Initiating PHP Sessions Without Sacrificing Your Page Rank
A while back I had been working on a website project that required an authentication login system. In order for the login system to properly operate every page of my site needed to check to see if there was a session created and the user...