Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Going Async With ES6 Generators

    Now that you've seen ES6 generators and are more comfortable with them, it's time to really put them to use for improving our real-world code. The main strength of generators is that they provide a single-threaded, synchronous-looking code style, while allowing you to hide the...

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    The Simple Intro to SVG Animation

    This article serves as a first step toward mastering SVG element animation. Included within are links to key resources for diving deeper, so bookmark this page and refer back to it throughout your journey toward SVG mastery. An SVG element is a special type of DOM element...

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    Diving Deeper With ES6 Generators

    If you're still unfamiliar with ES6 generators, first go read and play around with the code in "Part 1: The Basics Of ES6 Generators". Once you think you've got the basics down, now we can dive into some of the deeper details. Error Handling One of the...

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    From Webcam to Animated GIF: the Secret Behind!

    My team mate Edna Piranha is not only an awesome hacker; she's also a fantastic philosopher! Communication and online interactions is a subject that has kept her mind busy for a long time, and it has also resulted in a bunch of interesting experimental projects...

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    The Basics Of ES6 Generators

    One of the most exciting new features coming in JavaScript ES6 is a new breed of function, called a generator. The name is a little strange, but the behavior may seem a lot stranger at first glance. This article aims to explain the basics of how...

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    6 Tips for Designing Crisp, Readable Icons

    After designing hundreds of vector icons that render beautifully at 14 pixels or less, I've learned a few things about designing crisp, readable icons. Here are a few of my secrets. How Vectors Become Pixels Before we start, let's chat a bit about how an...

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    Parallax Sound Waves Animating on Scroll

    Scrolling animations are fun. They are fun to create and fun to use. If you are tired of bootstrapping you might find playing with scrolling animations as a nice juicy refreshment in your dry front-end development career. Let's have a look how to create animating...

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    The Difference Between Anchors, Inputs and Buttons

    One of the things I love about CSS is how easy it is to make one element look like another. In the example above, the first element is an anchor, the second is a button and the third is an input. I've overridden the...

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    asynquence: More Than Just Promises (Part 2)

    asynquence Is Promises As we saw in part 1, asynquence is a wrapper abstraction on top of promises, as sequences. A single-step sequence approximates a promise, though they're not identically compatible. However, that's no big deal, since asynquence can both consume and vend standard promises/thenables...

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    asynquence: The Promises You Don’t Know Yet (Part 1)

    on("before", start) Normally, my blog posts (and training workshops, for that matter!) are intended to teach something, and in the process I highlight projects that I've written to explore and experiment in that area. I find that to be an effective aid to teaching. However, this blog post...