Dojo Tutorials

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    The Beauty of dojo.require()

    I've been working full time with Dojo for the past four months and one of my favorite parts of the toolkit is the dojo.require system.  The dojo.require system allows you to asynchronously request Dojo modules within the current page without needing to adjust your core Dojo...

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    Dive Into Dojo Series:  Dive Into Dojo Chart Theming

    I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about my latest Dive Into Dojo post: Dive Into Dojo Chart Theming The previous installment of the Dive Into Dojo series shows how easy it is to Dive Into Dojo Charting to get started with...

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    Dive Into Dojo Series:  Dijit and Charting

    I just wanted to give you all a heads up that I've started a Dive Into Dojo series over on the SitePen blog.  The series will aim to cover the basics of jumping into the world of the Dojo Toolkit.  The first two posts...

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    Make Dijit’s FilteringSelect Widget Display an Empty Option Value Label

    I was recently working with the FilteringSelect Dojo Dijit widget and realized that when the first OPTION in the SELECT widget had a label with an empty value (like "Choose one..." or "Select you state"), the label wasn't displaying.  That's no good!  What I did was...

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    SitePen:  Creating and Enhancing Dojo Classes

    You have probably noted over the past few months that I've been working a lot with the Dojo Toolkit.  SitePen has been kind enough to allow me to guest blog about a Dojo topic I find very interesting:  creating and enhancing Dojo classes.  From the...

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    dojo.connect: A Powerful Object and Event Listener

    One of the pieces of the Dojo Toolkit I've been really impressed with is dojo.connect. This connect method not only listens to DOM events but also allows you to listen to when a regular function is executed. Lets examine what dojo.connect is and the...

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    DomReady Event Methods in JavaScript Frameworks

    The "domready" event, as it is affectionately known as, is one of the best things since sliced bread. The domready event says "screw you window.load ... I don't have time to wait for you." The ability to execute your JavaScript method on DOM nodes...

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    Monkey Patching Dojo’s Menu Dijit

    If you haven't already read Bryan Forbes' Monkey Patching tutorial, I want you to do so right now. Leave this blog and do it. Why? Because it's an invaluable tool in safely patching installs of your favorite JavaScript framework. In a...

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    Focusable Elements with tabindex

    I was recently debugging a Dojo-fueled web application that features a "Tree" dijit (much like Christoph Pojer's MooTools Tree Component). The tree's container had a fixed width and an CSS "overflow" property of "hidden" to avoid scrolling. The problem I was encountering...

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    Digg-Style Dynamic Share Widget Using the Dojo Toolkit

    I've always seen Digg as a very progressive website. Digg uses experimental, ajaxified methods for comments and mission-critical functions. One nice touch Digg has added to their website is their hover share widget. Here's how to implement that functionality on your site...