Dive Into Dojo Series: Dive Into Dojo Chart Theming

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Dive Into Dojo Chart Theming

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about my latest Dive Into Dojo post: Dive Into Dojo Chart Theming

The previous installment of the Dive Into Dojo series shows how easy it is to Dive Into Dojo Charting to get started with Dojo's charting library. It comes with dozens of stylish themes you can effortlessly plug into any chart. But what if you want your charts to match your website's design or business' branding? No worries: Dojo's charting library allows you to create custom themes!

Be sure to check it out!

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  1. Your custom theme looks much better than any of the default :) Dojo should adopt it.

  2. @Christoph Pojer: I believe they’re going to; it’s going to be named “SitePen”. If I can put together a decent color palette, I can create a MooTools theme as well.

  3. @David Walsh: What mootools extension do you use for charts? milkchart? Just curious. I have dabbled in Dojo and jQuery and have nothing against them, I just haven’t found a reason not to use mootools yet :)

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