Dojo Tutorials

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    Custom AJAX Content Handling with the Dojo Toolkit

    If you were to ask me for the top five words that should describe any JavaScript framework, one of them would be flexible.  The Dojo Toolkit is ultra-flexible in just about every way, using customizable classes and dojo-namespaced objects to to allow for maximal flexibility.  One...

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    Full Awesomeness with dojo.partial and MooTools’ Function.partial

    Much like MooTools, the Dojo Toolkit features a host of JavaScript language helpers.  One of those helpers is dojo.partial.  This method, which lives in Dojo Base, allows you to call a method with additional arguments appended to the front of a function signature.  Sound a bit...

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    Create Your Own Dijit CSS Theme with LESS CSS

    The Dojo Toolkit seems to just get better and better.  One of the new additions in Dojo 1.6 was the use of LESS CSS to create Dijit themes.  The move to using LESS is a brilliant one because it makes creating your own Dijit theme...

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    Using Pub Sub with The Dojo Toolkit

    As I've stated many times, the Dojo Toolkit is probably the most complete JavaScript toolkit out there, especially when it comes to event management and application communication.  I've already done a very brief introduction to dojo.connect so I thought I'd also do a short introduction...

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    Display Unique Results within dijit.form.ComboBox

    The Dojo Toolkit does well in allowing easy integration of web services with Dijit widgets via  One such widget is the dijit.form.ComboBox, which uses data stores to displays an autosuggest pane populated with items based on the store's contents.  One problem I've run into is...

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    Dojo Tutorials

    Over the last few months, I've written several Dojo Toolkit tutorials to help explain basic and intermediate Dojo concepts.  Here's a rundown of the tutorials that have been released thus far: Classy JavaScript with dojo.declare The dojo.declare method is the foundation of class creation within the Dojo Toolkit. dojo.declare...

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    Dojo Workshops in San Jose AND

    It's no secret that much of my focus over the past year hasn't been so much with MooTools but instead with the Dojo Toolkit.  That shift in focus has come with becoming a member of the SitePen team.  For those of you...

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    Better onChange with Dijit’s intermediateChanges

    One of the things I love about Dojo's UI framework, Dijit, is that its widgets provide loads of functionality within one property that would take a bit of Javascript jousting to create on its own.  One of those widget properties is intermediateChanges.  intermediateChanges is a boolean...

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    Creating Mobile Web Applications with

    I recently was asked to study the Dojo Toolkit's budding mobile solution,, and create a basic web application using the tools provided.  I hadn't heard of before but was very excited at the prospect of becoming a skilled mobile developer and maybe...

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    Create a Clearable TextBox with the Dojo Toolkit

    Usability is a key feature when creating user interfaces;  it's all in the details.  I was recently using my iPhone and it dawned on my how awesome the "x" icon is in its input elements.  No holding the delete key down.  No pressing it a...