Demos Tutorials
Fade Images with MooTools LazyLoad
I recently received an email from a MooTools developer asking a great question about my LazyLoad class: "I'm using your LazyLoad MooTools plugin (which is great, by the way). I have been trying to figure out how to modify it so that once an image scrolls into...
Create a Dojo-Powered WordPress Website View
Yesterday I showed you WordPress' awesome JSON plugin named JSON API. Now that I can get my blog posts in JSON format, it's time to create an awesome AJAX'ed web app with that data. I've chosen to use the power of Dojo and Dijit to...
Fx.Rotate: Animated Element Rotation with MooTools
I was recently perusing the MooTools Forge and I saw a neat little plugin that allows for static element rotation: Fx.Rotate. Fx.Rotate is an extension of MooTools' native Fx class and rotates the element via CSS within each A-grade browser it...
Duplicate the jQuery Homepage Tooltips
The jQuery homepage has a pretty suave tooltip-like effect as seen below: The amount of jQuery required to duplicate this effect is next to nothing; in fact, there's more CSS than there is jQuery code! Let's explore how we can duplicate jQuery's tooltip effect. The HTML The overall...
Create a Twitter AJAX Button with MooTools, jQuery, or Dojo
There's nothing like a subtle, slick website widget that effectively uses CSS and JavaScript to enhance the user experience. Of course widgets like that take many hours to perfect, but it doesn't take long for that effort to be rewarded with above-average user retention and...
Create a Dynamic Flickr Image Search with the Dojo Toolkit
The Dojo Toolkit is a treasure chest of great JavaScript classes. You can find basic JavaScript functionality classes for AJAX, node manipulation, animations, and the like within Dojo. You can find elegant, functional UI widgets like DropDown Menus, tabbed interfaces, and form element replacements within...
Dijit’s TabContainer Layout: Easy Tabbed Content
One of Dojo's major advantages over other JavaScript toolkits is its Dijit library. Dijit is a UI framework comprised of JavaScript widget classes, CSS files, and HTML templates. One very useful layout class is the TabContainer. TabContainer allows you to quickly create a tabbed content...
Image Reflections with CSS
Image reflection is a great way to subtly spice up an image. The first method of creating these reflections was baking them right into the images themselves. Within the past few years, we've introduced JavaScript strategies and CANVAS alternatives to achieve image reflections without...
Create a Context Menu with Dojo and Dijit
Context menus, used in the right type of web application, can be invaluable. They provide shortcut methods to different functionality within the application and, with just a right click, they are readily available. Dojo's Dijit frameworks provides an easy way to create stylish, flexible context...
Create a Simple Dojo Accordion
Let's be honest: even though we all giggle about how cheap of a thrill JavaScript accordions have become on the web, they remain an effective, useful widget. Lots of content, small amount of space. Dojo's Dijit library provides an incredibly simply method by which you can...