CSS Tutorials
WebKit-Specific Style: -webkit-appearance
I was recently scoping out the horrid source code of the Google homepage when I noticed the "Google Search" and "I'm Feeling Lucky" buttons had a style definition I hadn't seen before: -webkit-appearance. The value assigned to the style was "push-button." They are buttons so that...
MooTools Equal Heights Plugin: Equalizer
Keeping equal heights between elements within the same container can be hugely important for the sake of a pretty page. Unfortunately sometimes keeping columns the same height can't be done with CSS -- you need a little help from your JavaScript friends. Well...now you're...
TextboxList for MooTools and jQuery by Guillermo Rauch
I'll be honest with you: I still haven't figured out if I like my MooTools teammate Guillermo Rauch. He's got a lot stacked up against him. He's from Argentina so I get IM'ed about 10 times a day about how great Lionel...
Prevent Page Zooming in Mobile Browsers
Ever since I got my iPhone, I've been more agreeable in going places that my fiancee wants to go. It's not because I have any interest in checking out women's shoes, looking at flowers, or that type of stuff -- it's because my iPhone lets...
AJAX Username Availability Checker Using MooTools
Another one of my popular, early blog posts has been AJAX Username Availability Checker Using MooTools 1.2. Looking back now, the code is atrocious and very inflexible. I've taken some time to update the post to be more reliable, clean, and speedy. The...
Digg-Style Dynamic Share Widget Using the Dojo Toolkit
I've always seen Digg as a very progressive website. Digg uses experimental, ajaxified methods for comments and mission-critical functions. One nice touch Digg has added to their website is their hover share widget. Here's how to implement that functionality on your site...
Using jQuery or MooTools For Drag, Drop, Sort, Save
One of my most popular posts has been Using MooTools 1.2 for Drag, Drop, Sort, Save. My post detailed how you can create a drag'n'drop, AJAX-ified system to allow the user to drag and drop elements and quickly save them with PHP and...
Rotate Elements with CSS Transformations
I've gone on a million rants about the lack of progress with CSS and how I'm happy that both JavaScript and browser-specific CSS have tried to push web design forward. One of those browser-specific CSS properties we love is CSS transformations. CSS transformations...
Better Pull Quotes with the Dojo Toolkit
Chris Coyier authored a post titled Better Pull Quotes: Don't Repeat Markup a while back. In his post he created great-looking pull quotes without repeating any content -- instead he uses jQuery to dynamically create the pull quotes. A few months back...
Browser-Specific Styles with the Dojo Toolkit
Every JavaScript library aims to cure the pain of dealing with cross-browsers JavaScript issues. The Dojo Toolkit takes that a step further by trying to help you deal with cross-browser CSS issues. Dojo features a file called "uacss.js" which adds CSS classes to the...