APIs Tutorials

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    HTML5’s window.postMessage API

    One of the little known HTML5 APIs is the window.postMessage API.  window.postMessage allows for sending data messages between two windows/frames across domains.  Essentially window.postMessage acts as cross-domain AJAX without the server shims. Let's take a look at how window.postMessage works and how you...

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    Create a Dojo-Powered WordPress Website View

    Yesterday I showed you WordPress' awesome JSON plugin named JSON API.  Now that I can get my blog posts in JSON format, it's time to create an awesome AJAX'ed web app with that data.  I've chosen to use the power of Dojo and Dijit to...

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    WordPress JSON API Plugin

    Ever since I moved to a mostly-JavaScript job, I've become more and more enamored with the simplicity and usefulness of JSON.  Now I want everything available in JSON format, and when I encounter a service which doesn't provide a JSON API, I have a...

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    Create a Dynamic Flickr Image Search with the Dojo Toolkit

    The Dojo Toolkit is a treasure chest of great JavaScript classes.  You can find basic JavaScript functionality classes for AJAX, node manipulation, animations, and the like within Dojo.  You can find elegant, functional UI widgets like DropDown Menus, tabbed interfaces, and form element replacements within...

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    Change Category Slug within WordPress

    When I first started this blog, I set the category "slug" to "sugar."  Why sugar?  Because a lot of a good thing is candy;  thus, a bunch of MooTools tutorials is as sweet as sugar.  While I get a giggle out of calling my categories sugar...

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    Async Google Analytics

    It seems like every website these days uses Google Analytics. And why not? It's an outstanding tool that gives you any and every statistic you could ever want. The problem with Google Analytics is that it's been, well, slow loading at times.

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    Using the GitHub API and PHP to Get Repository Information

    GitHub is an awesome place to host your open source project code. MooTools, Prototype, and jQuery all use GitHub. As you probably know, the MooTools Forge requires your plugins be hosted on GitHub. The only problem with hosting all my MooTools plugins is...

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    Simple PHP Caching and Content Retrieval Function

    One way to make your website exponentially faster is by caching both remote and internal requests. Why request your RSS subscriber count from FeedBurner more than once a day if that count is calculated once per day? Why hit your database on each page...

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    Get a URL’s Reddit Score Using PHP and JSON

    Since we can see Digg turning more into a funny-pic-and-vid site each day, I've turned my attention to Reddit. Reddit just seems more controlled and programmer-friendly. Since I have respect for Reddit I thought I'd put together a quick tutorial on how you can...

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    Dynamically Create Charts Using jQuery Flot and Google Analytics

    Earlier in the week I published a popular article titled Dynamically Create Charts Using MooTools MilkChart and Google Analytics. My post showed you how to use MooTools MilkChart and a splash of PHP to create beautiful charts of Google Analytics data. I was...