What I’m Thankful For: 2008 Edition

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For all of you wacky Euros and non-American readers, today is what we call Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the day that we "express general gratitude" by eating way too much, getting in fights with family members, and watching football. This year I'd like to express gratitude to those that make my programming career fun.

The MooTools and jQuery Teams

Javascript libraries have taken the web to the next level and made JavaScript fun to code. As far as I know, none of the JavaScript library teams make a significant amount of money which makes their contribution all that more extraordinary. I thank the Moo and jQuery teams specifically because they author the frameworks I use.

The Firefox Team and Firefox Plugin Creators

My job wouldn't be possible without Firefox and the numerous plugins available, including Firebug, Web Developer Toolbar, ColorZilla, and Server Spy.

The WordPress Team and WordPress Plugin Creators

I had reservations about using WordPress at first but I've never looked back. WordPress gives me all the tools I've needed to create this blog and the plugin creators have helped me take it to the next level.

Script & Style Submitters

Script & Style has been a huge success thanks to bloggers and readers that submit great articles. Script & Style has helped me become a better jQuery and PHP programmer and hopefully it's done the same for you.

Blog Readers

Thank you too everyone that reads and leaves (intelligent) comments on my blog! I learn more than you learn from me and blogging over the last year and a half has been great experience. Keep it up!

Did I miss someone? Who are you thankful for?

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  1. cssprodigy

    Those are good things to be thankful for. Also we should all be thankful for CSS and web standards.

  2. You’re welcome ;)

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