Tutorials Page 3
Cloudinary Image Uploader
Over the past months I've detailed how developers can complete a variety of tasks using Cloudinary, an image (and audio and video) hosting, delivery, and transformation provider. Cloudinary’s client-side integration libraries and SDKs simplify the integration with your development platform of choice: Ruby on Rails, PHP...
Responsive Images with Client Hints
It doesn't take being a performance fanatic to know that images can really slow down a page's load time. We've come a long way when it comes to images, from lazy loading them to using better image formats like WebP, but they all involve loading the...
How to Deliver a Smooth Playback without Interruptions (Buffering)
There's only one thing worse than no internet: unreliable internet. The frustration I feel when one page loads quickly, then the next very slow (if at all), and then a mixture is unmanageable. Like...throw your device across the room frustrating. This slowness is most apparent...
HTML5 Video Player Best Practices
Let's all be honest: when it comes to media and the early days of the internet, we definitely did it all wrong. We started with embedded video players like RealPlayer and Windows Media Player which required custom codecs and browser plugins, then moved on to Flash and...
Generate Waveform Images from Audio with Cloudinary
I've been working a lot with visualizations lately, which is a far cry from your normal webpage element interaction coding; you need advanced geometry knowledge, render and performance knowledge, and much more. It's been a great learning experience but it can be challenging and isn't always an interest of all web developers. That's why...
Automatic Image Tagging with Cloudinary
Cloudinary serves so many purposes when it comes to your site's media: easy upload with any number of languages and methods, served from cloud and CDN for optimal speed, image manipulation on the fly by simple URL modification, and even background removal with one of their amazing add-ons.
Remove Photo Backgrounds with Cloudinary
A while back I wrote about using Cloudinary to Optimize Images, a technique you can use to crunch image size, serve images from the cloud, and modify images on the fly. As someone who isn't great with Photoshop, and never really has...
Automate Your Images with Cloudinary
If you work with images on the web, you've spent more than a few hours doing some of the following: Cropping and sizing an image just right to fit a layout. And then doing it again when the layout changes. And then again, and again, and...
Image Optimization with Cloudinary
We're always looking for ways to improve site speed; we lazy load, minify and concatenate, create sprites, experiment with caching, and just about everything else we can think of. With all of the performance optimization strategies available, the best way to decrease page size always comes back to...