Lazy Load IFRAMEs

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We've known for a decade that lazy loading resources like JavaScript, CSS, and especially images is a massive performance win for web pages. At first we used tricks and JavaScript to do the lazy loading, but more recently native image lazy loading has debuted in browsers.

Did you know that you can also lazy load IFRAMEs using the same loading="lazy" attribute and value?


You can see how lazy loading IFRAMEs works with this demo:

See the Pen IFRAME Lazy Load by David Walsh (@darkwing) on CodePen.

This single attribute to perform a complex but useful operation is the ideal solution for lazy loading just about anything. I'm so thankful that browsers are implementing APIs that make using best practices so easy!

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  1. This browser feature looks really like a huge gamechanger. Would love so much to use it with profit although it doesn’t seem to work correctly for me.

    [First of all, using it with images instead of iframes always worked perfectly, so all this regards only loading=”lazy” for iframes.]

    After hours of testing on different pages, what I see is that using loading=”lazy”, Iframes load WAY TOO EARLY.

    This apparently buggy behavior happens only if the page itself is NOT loaded from another iframe. So this rules out CodePen as a viable tool to show this.

    Let’s make a text.html file from this code, almost identical to your example, to highlight exactly what I’m saying:

    Opening this file in a Chrome window, with an internal height of 700 pixels, shows the Loaded! message immediately.
    Same happens with latest Firefox too.

    Would be great if somebody could shed some light on this.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!