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Send Text Messages with PHP
Kids these days, I tell ya. All they care about is the technology. The video games. The bottled water. Oh, and the texting, always the texting. Back in my day, all we had was...OK, I had all of these things too. But I still don't get...
Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos
David asked me if I'd be up for a guest post picking out some of my favorite Pens from CodePen. A daunting task! There are so many! I managed to pick a few though that have blown me away over the past few months. If you...
Incredible Demos
Create a Clearable TextBox with the Dojo Toolkit
Usability is a key feature when creating user interfaces; it's all in the details. I was recently using my iPhone and it dawned on my how awesome the "x" icon is in its input elements. No holding the delete key down. No pressing it a...
Image Protection Using PHP, the GD Library, JavaScript, and XHTML
Warning: The demo for this post may brick your browser. A while back I posted a MooTools plugin called dwProtector that aimed to make image theft more difficult -- NOT PREVENT IT COMPLETELY -- but make it more difficult for the rookie to average user...