Google Wave Invites Giveaway

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Google Wave

Over the past months I've given away dozens of Google Wave invites via my Twitter feed. Selfless? Yes. Kind? Of course. Generous? Always. So far I've simply given them away but now we're going to play a new game!

The Plot

I'm going to keep this post open and you are going to ask me for a Wave invite via the comments section. As I get new invites, I will simply send them randomly. There is, however, a catch: you must post a link to your favorite photo of Christina Ricci. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

I currently have 10 available. Good luck!

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  1. I like the way you think lol.
    This is far best to me :P

  2. Joe

    I have some invites if anyone wants one, send me an email to deadlow @ gmail dot com

  3. I have another idea .. why not shear our wave accounts here.. and add each others.This way we will have chance to test the wave system in its full power.

    And it’s always good to have someone to talk with it .. when you don’t have anything to do..

    Sorry for the bad English :)

  4. Matt

    I don’t need the Google Wave invite; I just wanted to share:

  5. Sure, I didn’t need one too. I just thought of participating. Anyways Wave me @ :P

  6. JIm W

    making this fun eh! these kinds of things end up taking me away from my work for hours!

    i’d love a wave from ya
    cheers David

  7. Well since I keep running out of people to give invites to, contact me at my contact page ( and I’ll hook you up with an invite. I think I have 30 or so left.

  8. I hope it’s not too late!!!!

    I want an invite!! PLS!

  9. Dan

    I couldn’t really decide between the following two pictures:



    So, yeah… I accept this won’t double my chances.

    PS. Look — a bear! *cough* 3) *cough*

  10. Dawn

    Here ya go!

    I think the dog completes the photo :)

  11. Listen2Me

    David, I love the way your mind works. This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t get the Christina Ricci thing (I’m more of a Kristen Bell fan) but it’s funny all the same.

    BTW, here’s a photo just kicks ( – I don’t need a Wave invite.

  12. Guys I don’t want to sound like a caveman but I’ve never heart of Christina Ricci. Anyway she’s cute I like this one:

  13. I currently have 24 available!!! who want it ?
    give me your email !!

  14. hey guys, please somebody send to billadoid @at@ g(-‘mail’-) .dot com

  15. haha, that’s maybe the best giveaway idea this year! ^^

  16. Michael

    Don’t know why, but this has always been my favorite

  17. This has worked out better than I could have ever imagined…

  18. I guess David is now scriping a mootools based Image grinder to grab all the links from this page which point to the, lets be frank, pretty handsome Christina. :P

    Already got wave, so I wouldn’t bother asking an invite. Thanks anyways!

  19. This is the best idea ever. I don’t need the invite, but here’s a wallpaper-sized image for you:

  20. The comments are overlaying outside the div… it’s the image links!

    *Google Chrome Mac OSX Snow Leopard*

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