David Walsh on the Faceoff Show Podcast

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The Faceoff Show

I have the honor of being on Mark Sanborn and Jade Robbin's awesome podcast: The Faceoff Show. The guys grilled me about my blog, the MooTools JavaScript framework, and a variety of other projects. It was great fun and I recommend checking out their website and past episodes.

If you can stomach hearing me talk about myself, don't miss the podcast!

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  1. Interview starts from minute 40 :)

  2. Nice job man, inspiring me to actually get my blog going :-)

  3. EmEhRKay

    Ha. I would never thought that you sound that way. Good interview though! The podcast as a whole was pretty great. Google voice — sign me up!

  4. Chris Bolson

    Great interview, good to hear how you got to where you are (so far).

  5. Hey David, great interview. So you’re now “officially” a mac convert then?

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