Recent Features
JavaScript Promise API
While synchronous code is easier to follow and debug, async is generally better for performance and flexibility. Why "hold up the show" when you can trigger numerous requests at once and then handle them when each is ready? Promises are becoming a big part of the JavaScript world...
CSS Gradients
With CSS border-radius, I showed you how CSS can bridge the gap between design and development by adding rounded corners to elements. CSS gradients are another step in that direction. Now that CSS gradients are supported in Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome...
Incredible Demos
Multiple File Upload Input
More often than not, I find myself wanting to upload more than one file at a time. Having to use multiple "file" INPUT elements is annoying, slow, and inefficient. And if I hate them, I can't imagine how annoyed my users would be. Luckily Safari, Chrome...
Use Custom Missing Image Graphics Using Dojo
A few months back I posted an article about how you can use your own "missing image" graphics when an image fails to load using MooTools and jQuery. Here's how to do the same using Dojo. The HTML We'll delegate the image to display by class...