Google Art Project – Chrome Extension

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As my career progresses, I see more apps and services which try to invade my space.  Notifications, emails, alerts...everyone wants a piece of me.  And I'll level with you:  they drive me mad.  I want the least amount of interruptions as possible and I want the web interactions I do have to be pleasant.  I want to enjoy every tiny piece of my day, which is why I'm so excited to have discovered a new Chrome extension for the Google Art Project.


This awesome Chrome extension shows a piece of classic art when you open a new tab.  You don't see the default search screen and you don't see history tiles -- you see a beautiful piece of artwork.

So why do I love this extension so much?  I've never counted but I'm sure I open at least 50 to 100 new tabs every day, and seeing art upon each new open makes me smile.  Adding beauty in any aspect of life is a plus -- this is one easy way to make yourself smile from time to time.  :)

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  1. I use a plugin called Benchwarmer which does a similar thing but with tiled dribbble shots (most popular, who your following or just the latest)

  2. I chose nature – Momentum ( with beautiful photos, but this plugin looks also interesting.

  3. Another David

    It looks good.
    I want the same add-on in Firefox!

  4. Thanks, it would be interesting to see those work of art on my Chrome, just hope it does not make it too heavy and slow.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!