Weekend Links – CSS Art, URL vs. URI, Web Browsers, MooTools Mocha UI, Web 2.0, and MooCanvas

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For those in the States, happy Thanksgiving!

CSS Based Pixel Art

Rocco Augusto's created some Super Mario themed art using CSS background colors.


URL vs. URI: What's the Difference?

This article discusses the differences between a URI and a URL.


Interesting Web Browsers You Have Never Heard Of

Web developers obsess over getting their sites to display and function properly in IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. What about uBrowser?


MooTools Mocha UI

An extremely impressive project. The Mocha UI project creates "window" functionality using the MooTools framework. MooTools users should scope out this project.


Destroy The Web 2.0 Look

The Web 2.0 "look" took storm so quickly that seemingly every website has transitioned to Web 2.0. Needless to say, many designers are sick of the gradients, big fonts, reflections, and badges. Is it time to destroy Web 2.0?



MooTools core developer/contributer Olmo Maldonadohas created a MooTools script to use the new HTML <canvas> tag.


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