2008 Year in Review

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My first full year has come and gone and I'd like to review a bit about the year.

The Year in Numbers

  • 350 Posts
  • 676,378 Visits
  • 1,319,045 Pageviews
  • 2,825 RSS Feed Subscribers
  • 2 Designs

New Sites

  • Script & Style - Script and Style, the front-end developer's link sharing website, gained great momentum that carries through into today. I'm proud of the site's growth and we look to add new features soon.
  • Band Website Template - BWT's sales were much more than I expected, likely due to Chris Coyier's awesome design.

Top 10 Most-Viewed Posts


  • Digg - My "9 Signs" article made Digg and got enough traffic to quickly take down the DZone website. Digg continues to move away from tech articles so I was doing backflips when I saw my ugly mug on the homepage.
  • DiggNation - My "9 Signs" article was featured on DiggNation. Click here to check out the episode. My article is featured 20 minutes into the show.
  • DZone - Numerous articles have been featured on DZone's homepage.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading and taking the time to respond to posts. I don't claim to be the foremost expert at everything and your input has helped me grow as a programmer. Bigger and better in 2009!

Recent Features

  • By
    Designing for Simplicity

    Before we get started, it's worth me spending a brief moment introducing myself to you. My name is Mark (or @integralist if Twitter happens to be your communication tool of choice) and I currently work for BBC News in London England as a principal engineer/tech...

  • By
    9 Mind-Blowing Canvas Demos

    The <canvas> element has been a revelation for the visual experts among our ranks.  Canvas provides the means for incredible and efficient animations with the added bonus of no Flash; these developers can flash their awesome JavaScript skills instead.  Here are nine unbelievable canvas demos that...

Incredible Demos


  1. Hey David, I just want to let you know that I love your site. The content on here is tremendous. I consider myself more of a designer and front-end developer, but I love PHP and jQuery and constantly try and pick up new things with them. The little tidbits you offer on here are great. Keep it up!

  2. 676,378 Visits – pretty nice, in fact it’s personal blog. Congratulations and have even better year.

  3. Logan

    I love your site too, essentialy for mootools tips !
    Happy new year for all !
    Logan, from Britany (france)

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!