2008 Year in Review

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My first full year has come and gone and I'd like to review a bit about the year.

The Year in Numbers

  • 350 Posts
  • 676,378 Visits
  • 1,319,045 Pageviews
  • 2,825 RSS Feed Subscribers
  • 2 Designs

New Sites

  • Script & Style - Script and Style, the front-end developer's link sharing website, gained great momentum that carries through into today. I'm proud of the site's growth and we look to add new features soon.
  • Band Website Template - BWT's sales were much more than I expected, likely due to Chris Coyier's awesome design.

Top 10 Most-Viewed Posts


  • Digg - My "9 Signs" article made Digg and got enough traffic to quickly take down the DZone website. Digg continues to move away from tech articles so I was doing backflips when I saw my ugly mug on the homepage.
  • DiggNation - My "9 Signs" article was featured on DiggNation. Click here to check out the episode. My article is featured 20 minutes into the show.
  • DZone - Numerous articles have been featured on DZone's homepage.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading and taking the time to respond to posts. I don't claim to be the foremost expert at everything and your input has helped me grow as a programmer. Bigger and better in 2009!

Recent Features

  • By
    Regular Expressions for the Rest of Us

    Sooner or later you'll run across a regular expression. With their cryptic syntax, confusing documentation and massive learning curve, most developers settle for copying and pasting them from StackOverflow and hoping they work. But what if you could decode regular expressions and harness their power? In...

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    Being a Dev Dad

    I get asked loads of questions every day but I'm always surprised that they're rarely questions about code or even tech -- many of the questions I get are more about non-dev stuff like what my office is like, what software I use, and oftentimes...

Incredible Demos

  • By
    dwImageProtector Plugin for jQuery

    I've always been curious about the jQuery JavaScript library. jQuery has captured the hearts of web designers and developers everywhere and I've always wondered why. I've been told it's easy, which is probably why designers were so quick to adopt it NOT that designers...

  • By
    Event Delegation with MooTools

    Events play a huge role in JavaScript. I can't name one website I've created in the past two years that hasn't used JavaScript event handling on some level. Ask yourself: how often do I inject elements into the DOM and not add an...


  1. Hey David, I just want to let you know that I love your site. The content on here is tremendous. I consider myself more of a designer and front-end developer, but I love PHP and jQuery and constantly try and pick up new things with them. The little tidbits you offer on here are great. Keep it up!

  2. 676,378 Visits – pretty nice, in fact it’s personal blog. Congratulations and have even better year.

  3. Logan

    I love your site too, essentialy for mootools tips !
    Happy new year for all !
    Logan, from Britany (france)

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!