Create Tiny URLs with TinyURL, MooTools, and PHP

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Since we've already figured out how to create TinyURL URLs remotely using PHP, we may as well create a small AJAX-enabled tiny URL creator. Using MooTools to do so is almost too easy.

The XHTML (Form)

<p><strong>URL:</strong> <input type="text" id="url" size="40" /> <input type="button" id="geturl" value="Get URL" /></p>
<p id="newurl"></p>

We need an input box where the user will enter their a URL, a button to trigger the process, and a placeholder to put the new, tiny URL.



//gets the data from a URL  
function get_tiny_url($url)  
	$ch = curl_init();  
	$timeout = 5;  
	$data = curl_exec($ch);  
	return $data;  

This PHP snippet grabs and returns the tiny URL from TinyURL.

The MooTools JavaScript

window.addEvent('domready',function() {
	var TinyURL = new Class({
		Implements: [Options],
		options: {
			checkURL: ''
		initialize: function(options) {
			//set options
		//a method that does whatever you want
		createURL: function(url,complete) {
			var req = new Request({
				url: this.options.checkURL + '?url=' + url,
				method: 'get',
				async: false,
				onComplete: function(response) { complete(response); }
	// usage //
	var new_tiny_url = new TinyURL({
		checkURL: 'grab-tiny-url.php'
	$('geturl').addEvent('click',function() {
		if($('url').value) {
			var newu = new_tiny_url.createURL($('url').value,function(resp) {
				$('newurl').set('html','The TinyURL is ' + resp + '.  Go ahead, try it!').setStyle('color','green');

Just a tiny MooTools class and basic usage. The only parameter, "checkURL," is the URL to the PHP snippet above -- NOT the long URL we want to shrink. The real action happens when the createURL() method is invoked. You pass the method a URL to shorten and an "onComplete" function that takes action when the URL has been received.

TinyURL is a great service!

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  1. Very cool tip. I am having fun learning all the things I can do with jQuery, and MooTools.

    JS is simply fascinating… to think where the web has come in just a few years.

  2. Mario

    This doesn’t work. I tried everything and always get “undefined” has de url… :(

  3. Dan

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()

    where to insert php code?

  4. venkadesh

    Can anyone help me how to use URL shortener for Facebook like

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