CSS Fixed Position Background Image

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Backgrounds have become an integral part of creating a web 2.0-esque website since gradients have become all the rage. If you think gradient backgrounds are too cliche, maybe a fixed position background would work for you? It does provide a neat inherent effect by not moving.


Place the background declaration of the element of your choice.

body	{ background:url(your-image.jpg) top right no-repeat; background-attachment:fixed; }

background-attachment: fixed keeps the background image in place so long as the element is tall enough for scrolling.

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  1. Looks good David!

  2. Lu

    I believe if you attach a file through the background-image property, you should use the background-attachment:fixed property for it to work properly.

  3. wasn’t able to get the background-position to work until I saw this comment. I’m using DW CS5.5 and so using Background-attachment worked great for me. Thanks!

  4. Loughlin

    This is incorrect. Background-attachment:fixed should be used, not background-position:fixed

  5. Yes, you are right. The correct is Background-attachment:fixed !

  6. And since you already use a shorthand syntax, it could be as simple as : body { background:url(your-image.jpg) no-repeat fixed right top; }

  7. Nilanko Halder

    Absolutely wrong…. background-attachment will be used…

  8. You are all wrong! example:

    #div{background: #FFFF url(“/images/background.jpg”) repeat fixed;}


  9. This code keeps background still and stretched. It works! Try it!

    body {
      background:url(yourImageURL.jpg) repeat fixed;
      background-size: 100%;
  10. Ive done it myself..

  11. This should take care of all your background needs, even if the image is landscape instead of portrait.

    body {
    	background: url(./images/vintage_bg.jpg) no-repeat;
    	background-size: 100% 100%;
    • Kamal

      I can’t attach any images from css, but if I put same code on html header section in style tag then work properly. but in css all code are work fine only have not work background-images attachment..but work background color.
      please fix my problem…

  12. dhillon

    i tried my other things but this one works 100%

    background:url(your image.jpg) top center no-repeat;
    background-size:100% 100%;


  13. Learner

    I want to fix an image on a background image
    here is my coding but its not working.. please help


    background-position:top right;

  14. Hi david,

    I used

    background: url(../images/banner1.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

    It works really great, though your article is also informative.
    Let me know is this works for all of you or not.


  15. Heyya @dhillon, your advice is 10000% works for me..! Great dude, many thanks! :D

  16. Thanks Guy, short but very useful!

  17. Heyya @dhillon, your advice is 10000% works for me..! Great dude, many thanks! :D

  18. it keep stretch fixed ^_^

    html { 
      background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;
  19. what is means top right or how it works ?

  20. You are all wrong! example:

    #div{background: #FFFF url(“/images/background.jpg”) repeat fixed;}


  21. Five-O

    I have some problems with my site. Could you guy please help me?

    When I use

    • Five-O

      to fix my image as background. It was just true when I ran it on Firefox. But when I use my cell phone to test (upload it on website), it was wrong. I mean it couldn’t fix, although I used “no-repeat”.

      I’ve tried many other ways but it still no change. I don’t know why.
      So please show me the right way.

      Thanks so much!

  22. In Internet Explorer 8 it doesn’t work really good :/

  23. Shreeketh

    Not working in mobile

    • Man

      Yes doesn’t work in mobile

  24. Scott Heliker

    How can you make a fixed position background stop at a certain scroll percentage?

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!