Weekend Links – Accordion 2.0, curl.js, How To Be Happy At Work, Deadlines Kill Inspiration, Facial Hair, CSS3 Failure

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Accordion 2.0

Inspired by MooTools' "bloated accordion," Stickman Labs released version 2 of the PrototypeJS Accordion plugin. This accordion does both vertical and horizontal accordions.


curl.js is a JavaScript "allows you to add an page curl effect (inc. backside mask) to images on your webpages. It uses unobtrusive JavaScript to keep your code clean." Looks cool, don't know why someone would use it though.

How to Be Happy At Work

Great article about how to stay happy at work. I suggest all programmers and designers read this article -- could be a life-changer.

Deadlines Kill Expiration

Veerle's gem discusses dealing with deadlines and being able to say "no" to a potential customer.

Facial Hair as a Measure of Code Progress

Ever get so into your project you forget to...uh...shave?

CSS3: A Giant Serving of Fail

Alex of Dojo fame talks about CSS' failures, including lack of variables and lack of referencing.

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!