Shell Tutorials

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    Open Files from Command Line on OS X

    I'm as much of a fan of application UIs as anyone else but I'm finding myself working more and more from the command line lately.  Much of that is becoming obsessed with media manipulation but I'm forcing myself to use less UIs so that I...

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    Get Stock Quotes From Command Line

    When I conned my way into my first professional programming gig, I didn't really think much about money -- just that I was getting my foot in the door.  But as my career has gone on, I've been more aware of money, investing, and retirement.  I've recently...

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    Create an Image Preview from a Video

    Visuals are everything when it comes to media.  When I'm trying to decide whether to watch a video on Netflix, it would be awesome to see a trailer of some kind, but alas that isn't available.  When I'm looking to download a video on my computer...

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    Merge GIFs with gifsicle

    Creating a GIF from a video is fairly simple at this point, as I pointed out in Convert Video to GIF or GIF to Video, but working with multiple GIFs is something many people would like to do.  The top GIF manipulation library for years has been

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    Optimize GIFs

    I've written a lot about converting different media types lately, especially GIFs, including Convert Video to GIF or GIF to VideoDetect if a GIF is Animated, and Get the First Frame of an Animated GIF with ImageMagick, but whether it's ImageMagick or ffmpeg doing the work, GIFs do not always...

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    Convert Video to GIF or GIF to Video

    I feel like GIFs are more popular now than back in the day when they were just about the only way to have moving imagery on the web.  They were so useful because crap like Real Video Player, Windows Media, and other crap formats all required a...

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    Convert an Image to Grayscale with ImageMagick

    A few years ago I bought a DSLR camera with a bunch of filter effects built in and it's been worth every penny.  I took some incredible photos in London, Paris, and Jamaica, and tooks some really special photos of my son during his first few years.  And...

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    Get Bitcoin Value with curl or Node.js

    Last year I started dabbling in bitcoin.  Of course I was immediately cocky as bitcoin value went up 20% as soon as I bought it, then was humbled as bitcoin's value tumbled down 50%.  From boathouse to outhouse.  From caviar to ramen noodles.  It was brutal. Anyways, I was...

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    Detect if a GIF is Animated

    If you tweet an animated GIF, you'll notice that Twitter takes it and converts it to an mp4.  I'd speculate that they do that conversion because an MP4 is better supported across platforms, at least in that they allow for playing/pause of the animation. And with...

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    Convert WAV to MP3 or MP3 to WAV

    Boy I would have loved this post a decade ago when I was ripping CDs from my local library.  The memory is actually quite hilarious:  I would request 100 CDs at a time from the local library system, pick up however had been delivered at 10 a.m. that morning, and...