MooTools Tutorials
Track AJAX Link Clicks Using Google Analytics
With more and more websites becoming completely AJAX-driven, the typical "do this every time a page loads" strategy isn't always enough. This is especially try if you're using Google Analytics or other analytics tracking software. Google is, of course, forward-thinking so they've provided a...
Google PageRank PHP Class
While developers and designers can debate about the important of different search engine optimizations strategies, one metric that simply can't be argued is a website's Google PageRank, or its importance in driving traffic to the site. Achieving a better PageRank was a consideration when redesigning this...
Background Animations Using MooTools
One of the sweet effects made easy by JavaScript frameworks like MooTools and jQuery is animation. I ran across this great jQuery tutorial that walks you through animating a background image of a page. Here's a quick MooTools code snippet that...
Event Delegation with MooTools, Dojo, and jQuery
I've covered the ins and outs of event delegation within JavaScript a few weeks ago but most developers utilize JavaScript frameworks so I thought I'd take a few moments to show you how to implement this wonderful event strategy with the MooTools, Dojo, and jQuery...
JSONP with jQuery, MooTools, and Dojo
We all know that the big limitation of AJAX is that cross-domain requests aren't allowed. We also know, however, that we skirt around that rule a bit by using JSONP. JSONP is the process of SCRIPT tag injection, referencing a cross-domain URL and providing a callback...
RealTime Stock Quotes with MooTools Request.Stocks and YQL
It goes without saying but MooTools' inheritance pattern allows for creation of small, simple classes that possess immense power. One example of that power is a class that inherits from Request, Request.JSON, and Request.JSONP: Request.Stocks. Created by Enrique Erne, this great MooTools class acts as...
MooTools Star Ratings with MooStarRating
I've said it over and over but I'll say it again: JavaScript's main role in web applications is to enhance otherwise boring, static functionality provided by the browser. One perfect example of this is the Javascript/AJAX-powered star rating systems that have become popular over the...
Translate Content with the Google Translate API and JavaScript
Note: For this tutorial, I'm using version1 of the Google Translate API. A newer REST-based version is available. In an ideal world, all websites would have a feature that allowed the user to translate a website into their native language (or even more ideally, translation would be...
Create an Exploding Logo with CSS3 and MooTools or jQuery
When MooTools contributor and moo4q creator Ryan Florence first showed me his outstanding CSS animation post, I was floored. His exploding text effect is an amazing example of the power of CSS3 and a dash of JavaScript. I wanted to implement this...
Conditional CSS with MooTools’ Browser Object
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all need a bit of browser-specific or even version-specific CSS sometimes. We try to follow standards but in the end we're at the mercy of browsers. And you know what? Browsers sometimes have bugs that cause us...