MooTools Tutorials

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    Page Peel Effect Using MooTools

    Soh Tanaka release a great script back in May titled Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS. The idea is that you place a "peel" image on the upper-right side of an element which, when hovered, "peels" open and peels close.

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    Select Dropdowns, MooTools, and CSS Print

    I know I've harped on this over and over again but it's important to enhance pages for print. You can do some things using simple CSS but today's post features MooTools and jQuery. We'll be taking the options of a SELECT element and generating...

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    Introducing MooTools LinkAlert

    One of my favorite Firefox plugins is called LinkAlert. LinkAlert shows the user an icon when they hover over a special link, like a link to a Microsoft Word DOC or a PDF file. I love that warning because I hate the surprise...

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    Implementing String.Tweetify in MooTools

    Twitter has damn near taken over the world. Everything's Twitter. Twitter this. Twitter that. TwitterGitter. Twitter everything. I'm more used to reading Twitter-speak (short condensed sentences, #'s, @'s, etc.) now than I am plain English. And...

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    Pretty Word Wrapper with MooTools or PHP

    Details, details, details. Details are what take a good site to the next level. Small details like link nudging (jQuery, MooTools), simple but stylish CSS enhancements, and opacity effects are the cheeky effects that give your website the edge over...

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    Using Opacity to Show Focus with MooTools

    I'm a huge fan of using subtle effects like link nudging (jQuery, MooTools) to enhance the user experience and increase the perceived dynamism of my websites. Trust me -- a lot of little things are what take websites to the next level.

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    MooTools TwitterGitter and Cookies

    One of my MooTools plugins I use most is TwitterGitter. TwitterGitter is a small MooTools plugin I've created to fetch any number of tweets from an Twitter user's account. Since clients don't tweet very often, there's no advantage to pinging Twitter for a tweet...

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    Sexy Opacity Animation with MooTools or jQuery

    A big part of the sexiness that is Apple software is Apple's use of opacity. Like seemingly every other Apple user interface technique, it needs to be ported to the web (</fanboy>). I've put together an example of a sexy opacity animation technique...

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    MooTools, Mario, and Portal

    I'm a big fan of video games. I don't get much time to play them but I'll put down the MacBook Pro long enough to get a few games in. One of my favorites is Portal. For those who don't know, what's...

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    Introducing MooTools LazyLoad

    Once concept I'm very fond of is lazy loading. Lazy loading defers the loading of resources (usually images) until they are needed. Why load stuff you never need if you can prevent it, right? I've created LazyLoad, a customizable MooTools plugin that...