Page Peel Effect Using MooTools

Soh Tanaka release a great script back in May titled Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS. The idea is that you place a "peel" image on the upper-right side of an element which, when hovered, "peels" open and peels close. I thought this was a quality, flexible idea so I've ported the jQuery code to MooTools.
<div id="page-flip"> <a href=""><img src="page_flip.png" alt="Subscribe!" id="page-flip-image" /></a> <div id="page-flip-message"></div> </div>
A wrapper DIV containing an image and a "message" DIV.
#page-flip { position:relative; right:0; top:0; float:right; } #page-flip-image { width:50px; height:52px; z-index:99; position:absolute; right:0; top:0; -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } #page-flip-message { width:50px; height:50px; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; right:0; top:0; background:url(subscribe.png) no-repeat right top; }
These initial CSS is important as we'll be modifying this initial CSS with MooTools.
The MooTools JavaScript
(function($,$$) { window.addEvent('domready',function() { var flip = $('page-flip'); var flipImage = $('page-flip-image'); var flipMessage = $('page-flip-message'); flip.addEvents({ mouseenter:function() { $$(flipImage,flipMessage).set('morph',{ duration: 500 }).morph({ width: 307, height: 319 }); }, mouseleave:function() { flipImage.set('morph',{ duration: 220 }).morph({ width: 50, height: 52 }); flipMessage.set('morph',{ duration:200 }).morph({ width: 50, height:50 }); } }); }); })(,$$);
The peel effect is triggered by mouseenter and mouseleave events on the outter DIV element. You'd think there was more to it but the effect is driven simply by width and height animations.
What do you think about this effect? Would you use it? Too "flashy?" Share!
That looks really static. I would prefer a “realistic” solution.
I have a question:
Why are you using instead of $? Is there any performance improvement?
Interesting, I’ve never heard of “-ms-interpolation-mode” before…seems handy though…
Cool, that should come in handy :>
It makes images look nicer that have been resized, but don’t apply it to all (or even more than a couple) img tags. There’s a reason it’s not on by default: it’s significantly slower to render.
@Ahmad Azimi
Blog entry (
I’m not sure if I’d ever use that effect but it’s pretty cool. Nice to see how easy it is to do with MooTools.
Thanx Dude………… This is superb idea to utilize……….
Thanks for this, you rock!
Thanks for this but as I have several code with 1.11 I need this code to work on 1.11.
I know that the mouseenter & mouseleave was developed for 1.2 so, is there a way to change this into 1.11?
I’m really newbiw with javascript so, I hope you can help me.
Yes, could you please port this in Mootools 1.1 too?
nice technique, however you cant align PNG’s to the right as background images in IE6 and below…using a GIF in that situation would suffice.
Nice Job. This works perfectly. Thanks.
Great script! Any way to hide the page peel if the window is resized to be smaller? It covers up part of my menu. Thanks.
I played around for a bit and I got it to work if I add this code to the end of the script:
Any idea on how I could go about using morph again to shrink the #page-flip to 0 so it looks like it peels back in place instead of just disappearing?
I would like to use something like this where the user would click and release or click and drag it so that when it peeled away, an entry form would be beneath it.
How would I go about doing that?
wow… clear tutorial and demo…. I want to try