JavaScript Tutorials

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    Instagram-like Filters with Cloudinary

    Apps like Instagram are a testament to how brilliant a few color modifications can make a photo.  We've seen hundreds of Instagram clones pop up, and even the CSS and Canvas specs have a filter property which allows us to modify imagery.  As nice as those APIs are...

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    Create a Simple Web Extension

    Much like multimedia support in the browser, we initially did browser add-ons all wrong.  For years each browser had its own language and method for installing add-ons, leading to security exploits, performance problems, painful maintenance for developers, and frustrating user experiences.  Today we have the Web Extension API...

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    Sorting Strings with Accented Characters

    Strings can create a whole host of problems within any programming language.  Whether it's a simple string, a string containing emojis, html entities, and even accented characters, if we don't scrub data or make the right string handling choices, we can be in a world of hurt. While looking...

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    CodeMirror: Set Focus at End of Line

    CodeMirror is a WYSIWYG-like editor that allows for rich text editing on a small scale, oftentimes used to allow Markdown editing, much like ReviewBoard uses it for.  One problem I've found, however, is that calling a CodeMirror instance's focus method put the cursor at the beginning of the input, which...

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    Six More Tiny But Awesome ES6 Features

    ES6 has brought JavaScript developers a huge new set of features and syntax updates to be excited about.  Some of those language updates are quite large but some of them are small updates you would miss if you weren't careful -- that's why I wrote about Six...

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    Update jQuery UI Widget Options

    We're all used to passing options when instantiating an object, whether it be JavaScript or any other language.  Whether or not you can update those options later is usually up to the framework, and somehow many wont let you update them once they've been passed in.  Depending...

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    Require Parameters for JavaScript Functions

    JavaScript is notorious for being "loose", something that some developers love but other developers loathe.  I hear most of those complaints from server side developers, who want string typing and syntax.  While I like strict coding standards, I also like that JavaScript lets me quickly prototype without having...

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    Inspect jQuery Element Events

    Building on top of other tools can be incredibly difficult, especially when you didn't create the other tool and you can't replace that tool.  And when those other tools create loads of event listeners, you sometimes see odd behavior within the page and have no idea what the...

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    Getting Started with Whitestorm.js

    What is whitestorm.js? Whitestorm.js is a framework for developing 3D applications or games that run in browser. This framework is basically a wrapper around Three.js library (like jQuery wraps DOM to make it easier to use). It extends Three.js with simple API and component...

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    Convert Websites to Apps

    Converting a website to a native app, whether on mobile or desktop, can be quite useful.  The problem with bookmarks, especially for software engineers, is that we often need to work in different browsers, so having everything in one browser's bookmark set can be a pain.  I'd also argue that websites with...