Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Emulate the Invert Filter Effect with Sass

    After figuring out how to get the result of the invert filter for a solid background, the next idea that came to mind was naturally doing this with Sass in order to reproduce the filter effect for browsers not supporting filters. Sass already has...

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    Detect Inverted Color with CSS and JavaScript

    There was something that bugged me after reading David's article on the invert filter last week. It was this sentence: The values reported back by window.getComputedStyle(el) will be the original CSS values, however, so there's no way of getting the true inverted values of given properties. But...

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    Declarative Build Configurations

    Some time ago I posted an article how you can build apps faster using a build tool called Angus. In the meantime the tool has gotten a whole lot better, embracing the concept of declarative build configurations. In this article I would like to show...

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    Unwrapping JSON-P

    This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We're going to look at how to unwrap the "P" function-call padding from a JSON-P string to get the JSON from it. Note: Obviously, the recent push toward ubiquity of CORS is making JSON-P less important...

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    How to Make Email a Powerful Part of Your Web Application

    Giving your customers a way to access your application from their email account is a major way to boost their activity and engagement on your website. One of my favorite popular productivity tools, iDoneThis, gives me a simple way to record and share the...

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    Responsive and Infinitely Scalable JS Animations

    Back in late 2012 it was not easy to find open source projects using requestAnimationFrame() - this is the hook that allows Javascript code to synchronize with a web browser's native paint loop. Animations using this method can run at 60 fps and deliver fantastic...

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    Using String Replace in JavaScript

    This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We're going to cover how to use the regular expression driven replace(..) with JavaScript string values. All string values have a replace(..) method available to them. This method allows you to pass a regular expression (or a string...

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    Combining JavaScript Arrays

    This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We're going to cover different methods for combining/merging two JS arrays, and the pros/cons of each approach. Let's start with the scenario: The simple concatenation of a and b would, obviously, be: concat(..) The most common approach is: As you can see...

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    Getting Concurrent With ES6 Generators

    If you've read and digested part 1, part 2, and part 3 of this blog post series, you're probably feeling pretty confident with ES6 generators at this point. Hopefully you're inspired to really push the envelope and see what you can do with...

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    Building Web Apps Faster Using Angus

    When it comes to building web apps, there are a couple of tools available that help you develop faster. There's GruntJS, GulpJS, Brunch and others which streamline your workflow by doing a series of build tasks: Test the code Clean the build directory Copy source files...