Google Tutorials

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    Toggle Element State with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

    It's much easier to debug CSS than JavaScript since there are many fewer interactions in CSS, and they are much easier emulate. Still, element state debugging isn't simple...until now. Google Chrome's WebInspector and Mozilla Firefox's Firebug have a really sweet feature I just discovered...

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    Thoughts on Google+

    It's been a few weeks now since Google+ has hit the scene and and I've had a good amount of time to play with it.  The following are some unorganized thoughts about Google+: The joke about "Google finally hired a designer" is old but true -- the...

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    Create a Google+ Mac App for Your Dock

    If you follow me on Twitter, you know that Google+ is my new tech porn.  Google+ is the same technological marvel we've come to expect from Google apps, but the elegant but still simplistic design is a welcomed change from Google.  I want to get used to...

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    Add a Google+1 Badge to Your Website

    Google's new Google+ service is taking the development world by storm, and why shouldn't it?  It's minimalistic UI, use of cutting edge web techniques, and overall usability make it Google+ one of the more impressive web applications I've seen in quite a while (I was going...

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    Google+ Invites

    Whenever I get an invite to a hot new web app, I feel like Charlie when he got the golden ticket.  Obviously I'm easy to impress, but I'm sure some of you may be too.  I could just give them to whoever asks, but that's far...

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    Edge & Mobile Browsers

    From a developer's perspective, the Web is moving faster than ever. Thanks to reinvigorated browser vendors, frequent releases of new mobile devices, and our own need for better APIs and tools, we're seeing loads of movement across each platform. Since browser vendors like Mozilla...

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    Track AJAX Link Clicks Using Google Analytics

    With more and more websites becoming completely AJAX-driven, the typical "do this every time a page loads" strategy isn't always enough. This is especially try if you're using Google Analytics or other analytics tracking software. Google is, of course, forward-thinking so they've provided a...

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    Google PageRank PHP Class

    While developers and designers can debate about the important of different search engine optimizations strategies, one metric that simply can't be argued is a website's Google PageRank, or its importance in driving traffic to the site.  Achieving a better PageRank was a consideration when redesigning this...

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    Translate Content with the Google Translate API and JavaScript

    Note:  For this tutorial, I'm using version1 of the Google Translate API.  A newer REST-based version is available. In an ideal world, all websites would have a feature that allowed the user to translate a website into their native language (or even more ideally, translation would be...

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    Google URL Shortener PHP Class

    Google has had a URL shortening domain for quite a while now but it wasn't until recently that Google exposed the URL shortening API to the public.  I took a few minutes to review their API and created a very basic GoogleUrlApi class that...