Demos Tutorials
Adding Events to Adding Events in MooTools
Note: This post has been updated. One of my huge web peeves is when an element has click events attached to it but the element doesn't sport the "pointer" cursor. I mean how the hell is the user supposed to know they can/should click on...
Image Protection Using PHP, the GD Library, JavaScript, and XHTML
Warning: The demo for this post may brick your browser. A while back I posted a MooTools plugin called dwProtector that aimed to make image theft more difficult -- NOT PREVENT IT COMPLETELY -- but make it more difficult for the rookie to average user...
WordPress-Style Comment Controls Using MooTools or jQuery
WordPress has a nice little effect on the Admin Dashboard where it shows and hides the comment control links when you mouseover and mouseout of the record's container. Here's how to achieve that effect using MooTools or jQuery. The XHTML Notice that we place the links into...
Add Site Screenshots for External Links Using MooTools Tooltips
Before you send your user to an unknown external website, why not provide them a screenshot of the site via a tooltip so they may preview the upcoming page? Here's how you can do just that using MooTools. The MooTools JavaScript The first step is to grab...
Create Custom Events in MooTools 1.2
Javascript has a number of native events like "mouseover," "mouseout", "click", and so on. What if you want to create your own events though? Creating events using MooTools is as easy as it gets. The MooTools JavaScript What's great about creating custom events in MooTools is...
Introducing MooTools ScrollSpy
I've been excited to release this plugin for a long time. MooTools ScrollSpy is a unique but simple MooTools plugin that listens to page scrolling and fires events based on where the user has scrolled to in the page. Now you can fire specific...
External Site Link Favorite Icons Using MooTools and CSS
I recently came upon an interesting jQuery article about how you can retrieve all external links within a page, build the address of the site's favorite icon, and place the favorite icon along side the link. I've chosen a different approach which...
MooTools Zebra Table Plugin
I released my first MooTools class over a year ago. It was a really minimalistic approach to zebra tables and a great first class to write. I took some time to update and improve the class. The XHTML You may have as many tables as...
MooTools Window Object Dumping
Ever want to see all of the information stored within the window property of your browser? Here's your chance. The XHTML We need a wrapper DIV that we'll consider a console. The CSS I like making this look like a command-line console. The MooTools JavaScript Depending on what you have loaded...
MooTools’ AutoCompleter Plugin
One of the famous MooTools plugins is Harald Kirschner's AutoCompleter plugin. AutoCompleter takes a term input by the user and searches for matches -- an obviously help to the user. Here's how to make the most of Harald's great plugin. The XHTML All we...