CSS Tutorials

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    Multiple Backgrounds with CSS

    Anyone that's been in the web development industry for 5+ years knows that there are certain features that we should have had several years ago. One of those features is the HTML5 placeholder; we used JavaScript shims for a decade before placeholder came...

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    JavaScript CSS Helpers

    I spend a good amount of time looking at JavaScript framework source code. Regardless of which frameworks you have allegiance to, you can learn an awful lot by looking under the hood of widely used code collections. One of many handy snippets can be...

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    View Browser Repaints in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

    One goal of super-optimized websites is to prevent browser repaints due to changes in a block's style or content. There are numerous ways we intentionally (or unintentionally) trigger block repaints, but the browser does it so quickly we have trouble seeing when and where it...

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    Load CSS Files via AMD with XStyle

    AMD loaders are letting us load just about anything: AMD modules, basic JavaScript files (from any origin), text-based files (HTML templates, for example), and more. Unfortunately most loaders don't have CSS loading capabilities, most likely because "onLoad"-style events aren't provided by all browsers for stylesheets.

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    Google Extension Effect with CSS or jQuery or MooTools JavaScript

    Both of the two great browser vendors, Google and Mozilla, have Extensions pages that utilize simple but classy animation effects to enhance the page. One of the extensions used by Google is a basic margin-top animation to switch between two panes: a graphic pane...

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    Force Hardware Acceleration in WebKit with translate3d

    Ever notice an odd flicker within WebKit-powered desktop and mobile browsers, or simply want to use hardware acceleration of a given device? There's a really neat trick you can use to force hardware acceleration! The WebKit CSS The use of translate3d pushes CSS animations into hardware acceleration.

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    Use Elements as Background Images with -moz-element

    We all know that each browser vendor takes the liberty of implementing their own CSS and JavaScript features, and I'm thankful for that. Mozilla and WebKit have come out with some interesting proprietary CSS properties, and since we all know that cementing standards...

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    Interesting -webkit CSS Properties

    A few weeks back I touched on a handful of Mozilla-specific CSS properties that I found to be interesting. This week I'd like to share a few WebKit-specific CSS properties that make me all tingly inside. -webkit-touch-callout The -webkit-touch-callout property allows you to...

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    CSS Circles

    A while back I shared a clever technique for creating triangles with only CSS. Over the past year, I've found CSS triangles incredibly effective, especially when looking to create tooltips or design elements with a likewise pointer pattern. There's another common shape...

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    Interesting -moz CSS Properties

    I'm always on the lookout for interesting vendor-specific features and prefixes. The beauty in them is that they allow developers to enhance where possible; they aren't taken into account as core design, but provide nice little touches. I was poking around Mozilla's MDN...