MooTools: Set Style Per Media

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I'd bet one of the most used MooTools methods is the setStyle() method, which allows you to set CSS style declarations for an element. One of the limitations of MooTools' setStyle() method is that it sets the specific style for all medias. What if I want to set a style for only a specific media type? I've created a setStile() method that allows you to specify the media for which a style is set.

The MooTools JavaScript

	'setStile': function(key,value,media) {
		var style = $$('style[media=' + media + ']')[0];
		if(!style) {
			style = new Element('style',{
				'type': 'text/css',
				'media': media
		if(!this.get('id')) {
		style.set('text',style.get('text') + '#' + this.get('id') + '{ ' + key + ':' + value + '; }');
		return this;
	'setStiles': function(keyvalhash,media) {
		for(var key in keyvalhash) {
		return this;

Example Usages

$('nonoprint').setStile('border','1px solid #00f','print');
	'background-color': '#fffea1',
	'font-weight': 'bold',
	'opacity': '.5'

The Post-Use HTML View

<style type="text/css" media="print">
#nonoprint{ color:#f00; }
#nonoprint{ display:inline; }
#nonoprint{ border:1px solid #00f; }
#nonoprint{ background-color:#fffea1; }
#nonoprint{ font-weight:bold; }
#nonoprint{ opacity:.5; }

Obviously, as you can see from the Post-Use HTML, this isn't an elegant solution but it works in all browsers I tested except Internet Explorer. Hopefully a better solution is presented in the future.

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  1. I’ve noticed that this code no longer works in IE8. This line seems to be causing the problems:

    style.set('text',style.get('text') + '#' + this.get('id') + '{ ' + key + ':' + value + '; }');

    Any ideas?

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