In this episode: Todd dials in from a poppin' KCDC while David dials in with a massive headache. Scott Helme dials in from lovely Manchester to discuss web security, specifically the criminally underused CSP API. Join us to learn what CSP is, why it's important, how it works, and other ways to improve the security of your websites!
Be sure to join us next week! We record every Thursday starting at 12pm PT!
I work with an awesome cast of developers at Mozilla, and one of them in Daniel Buchner. Daniel's shared with me an awesome strategy for detecting when nodes have been injected into a parent node without using the deprecated DOM Events API.
The <canvas> element has been a revelation for the visual experts among our ranks. Canvas provides the means for incredible and efficient animations with the added bonus of no Flash; these developers can flash their awesome JavaScript skills instead. Here are nine unbelievable canvas demos that...
One of the quickest and easiest website performance optimizations is decreasing image loading. That means a variety of things, including minifying images with tools like ImageOptim and TinyPNG, using data URIs and sprites, and lazy loading images. It's a bit jarring when you're lazy loading images and they just...
Buttons (or links) are usually the elements on our sites that we want to draw a lot of attention to. Unfortunately many times they end up looking the most boring. You don't have to let that happen though! I recently found a...