Tutorials Page 92
ES6 in io.js
io.js - the famous Node.js fork recently put out their initial release touting the slogan "Bringing ES6 to the Node Community!". io.js got these features ahead of Node.js by aggressively following the latest versions of the V8 JavaScript engine. As an outsider looking in...
JavaScript Errors and How to Fix Them
JavaScript can be a nightmare to debug: Some errors it gives can be very difficult to understand at first, and the line numbers given aren’t always helpful either. Wouldn’t it be useful to have a list where you could look to find out what they mean...
Create Screenshots from Videos
The idea behind my Get the First Frame of an Animated GIF with ImageMagick post was to improve a page's performance by not loading an animated GIF automatically, but instead grab the first frame, display it, and allow users to "click to activate" the GIF. That strategy...
Create Image Thumbnails with ImageMagick
ImageMagick is, for lack of better term, magic. You can throw just about anything at it and succeed. With that in mind, I was recently using Google Page Speed to see how I could improve my website and it occurred to me I wasn't generating thumbnails for...
Convert PSD to PNG from Command Line
I've been fascinated by basic image manipulation these days, which led to my Get the First Frame of an Animated GIF with ImageMagick and How to Create Screenshots in Firefox posts. It was brought up in a comment to the Animated GIF post that ImageMagick can also...
Website Builders that Don’t Suck
I Never Pursue My Awesome Ideas I'm constantly struck with ideas for new web projects. Unfortunately, I rarely act on them because I have too little time and they're too much of a hassle to see through. At least ten times over the last two years, I started...
CSS Vertical Center with Flexbox
I'm 31 years old and feel like I've been in the web development game for centuries. We knew forever that layouts in CSS were a nightmare and we all considered flexbox our savior. Whether it turns out that way remains to be seen but flexbox does easily...
Design Websites in 2015 with These Top Notch WordPress Themes
This year is setting out to be a fulfilling one for web designers. We are quickly breaking away from the symbiotic relationship to coding. Also, we rejoice in working with option-rich, premium WordPress themes. These high quality themes help us create high end websites a lot...
How to Create Screenshots in Firefox
Firefox's developer tools have been well-noticed due to the wealth of functionality they provide, but one tool you don't hear too much about is Developer Toolbar, which looks much like the console but serves a completely different purpose. One of those purposes is allowing developers to create...
Get the First Frame of an Animated GIF with ImageMagick
ImageMagick has been the industry standard for image manipulation for as long as I can remember. Hell, I remember using the ImageMagick extension when I first learned PHP over a decade ago. Anyways, I've noticed recently that many sites which host animated GIFs will have a static image initially and will...