Tutorials Page 8

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    7 Ways to Optimize Performance for Your WordPress Site

    The vast majority of blogs, news websites, and information websites run on WordPress. While the WordPress developer team and community do their best to ensure wordPress is performant, there are a number of practices you can implement to keep your site blazing fast. Let's...

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    How to Get Extension Manifest Information

    Working on a web extension can be kinda wild -- on one side you're essentially just coding a website, on the other side you're limited to what the browser says you can do in the extension execution environment. One change in that environment is coming...

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    How to Reverse an Animated GIF

    Modifying visual media via code has always been a fascination of mine. Probably because I'm not a designer and I tend to stick to what I'm good at. One visual effect I love is seeing video reversed -- it provides a sometimes hilarious perspective...

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    CSS :optional

    A decade ago HTML and CSS added the ability to, at least signal, validation of form fields. The required attribute helped inform users which fields were required, while pattern allowed developers to provide a regular expression to match against an <input>'s value. Targeting required fields...

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    Get a Random Array Item with JavaScript

    JavaScript Arrays are probably my favorite primitive in JavaScript. You can do all sorts of awesome things with arrays: get unique values, clone them, empty them, etc. What about getting a random value from an array?To get a random item from...

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    Legacy String Methods for Generating HTML

    I'm always really excited to see new methods on JavaScript primitives. These additions are acknowledgement that the language needs to evolve and that we're doing exciting new things. That being said, I somehow just discovered some legacy String methods that you probably shouldn't use...

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    Interview with an Intiface Haptics Engineer

    I was recently re-reading my Interview with a PornHub Web Developer and one bit I started thinking about was the VR question and the idea of making users not just see but feel` something. The haptic feedback of VR games is what really sets...

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    Input valueAsNumber

    Every once in a while I learn about a JavaScript property that I wish I had known about years earlier -- valueAsNumber is one of them. The valueAsNumber provides the value of an input[type=number] as a Number type, instead of the traditional string representation when...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    Advanced Code Display with Code Detection API

    Web apps are accepting numerous types of inputs, from basic text to code to imagery, files, and more. It's important that we validate the contents we receive but if you do allow arbitrary text, it's good to know what exactly has been submitted so you...

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    CSS :has

    For as long as developers have written CSS code, we've been desperate to have a method to allow styling a parent element based child characteristics. That's not been possible until now. CSS has introduced the :has pseudo-class which allows styling a parent based on...