Tutorials Page 26

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    Grab a .DEV Domain from Hover!

    I can say that the biggest and best changes in my professional life came from starting this blog — it was the springboard for conference speaking, open source, and joining Mozilla. I’ve always urged ever developer to have a blog to showcase talent, explore new technology...

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    CSS prefers-reduced-motion Media Query

    When I started in the web development industry, media queries were limited -- screen and print were the two media queries I was most often using. More than a decade later, media queries have advanced to various screen units, feature checking, and even color...

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    Optional Chaining

    For all of the improvements that the JavaScript language has added over the past few years, like the spread operator, default argument values, and arrow functions, there are still a few features I'd love to see implemented. One such feature is optional chaining.

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    JavaScript Proxy with Storage

    The JavaScript Proxy API provides a wealth of "magic" within JavaScript, allowing you to use any object as sort of an alias that allows a wall of validation, formatting, and error throwing. Did you know that you could also employ the Proxy API as...

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    Detect Cryptocurrency by Wallet Address

    I’ve always been a massive advocate of cryptocurrency. I love the technology, the ease of use, and the freedom that cryptocurrencies bring to the world. Despite my love of crypto, I know that adoption will take a long time and that the state of crypto...

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    CSS Gradient Text

    Web developers know the fight we’ve all had to improve fonts on the web. Whether it be load time, odd strategies for using custom fonts (Cufon, anyone?), or just finding the right font itself, beautifying text on the web has never come easy.That got...

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    Set Video Playback Speed with JavaScript

    I love that media has moved from custom plugins (Flash…gross) to basic HTML <video> and <audio> elements. Treating these media sources as just another element allows us to use CSS filters to adjust display, for example. The less we need to do with...

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    Fix Touch Bar Volume Buttons

    The touch bar on MacBooks has been a source of controversy since the beginning. Many mourned the loss of the escape key, while others refused to buy a new laptop to avoid the touch bar completely. I’ve not had many issues with the touch...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    How to Debug Remote Browsers

    It's super frustrating when bugs pop up only in a remote browser. Something about that user, that device, or that environment is different, but I don't know what! And of course, I can't recreate it on my local development machine. The team at TrackJS...

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    CSS :focus-within

    Using :hover to display additional information or elements is a very useful technique but a big drawback to using the hover pseudo-class is that they are usually not accessibility-friendly. Not everyone uses a mouse and some users have visual impairments, so they rely on screen...