Tutorials Page 105

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    Get the Git Commit ID via Command Line

    I know just enough git to be dangerous.  I'm not doing advanced bisecting but I can stash, rebase, and reset with the best of them.  One new trick I learned from my boss, Luke Crouch, saves me loads of time:  getting the commit ID via command...

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    CSS vs. JS Animation: Which is Faster?

    How is it possible that JavaScript-based animation has secretly always been as fast — or faster — than CSS transitions? And, how is it possible that Adobe and Google consistently release media-rich mobile sites that rival the performance of native apps? This article serves as a point-by-point...

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    Preview: Element Queries, From the Feet Up

    Element Queries, what are they? Have you ever wanted to style an element using something like Media Queries, but based on *its own* dimensions instead of the browser's viewport? That's what Element Queries would provide. Having this ability would make responsive styling of layouts and components easier...

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    Add Menu Items to the WordPress Admin Menu

    The existing menus in WordPress are solid but one annoyance is that I need to click "All Posts" and then the "Drafts" link to get to my drafts; I simply want to get there as quickly as possible via the Posts menu. I did...

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    Stylus PX to REM Mixin

    The REM unit is the hottest thing since Christina Ricci ... it's hot.  And it's especially hot when it comes to font size.  Rather than paraphrase a bunch of documentation as to why REM is important, I'd like to point you to Jonathan Snook's outstanding

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    jQuery: Multiple AJAX and JSON Requests, One Callback

    I've been working on a new feature for the Mozilla Developer Network which requires loading of a basic script file as well as a JSON stream.  Since we use jQuery, that means a jQuery.getScript and a jQuery.getJSON.  I know those both work asynchronously and...

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    Write Better JavaScript with Promises

    You've probably heard the talk around the water cooler about how promises are the future. All of the cool kids are using them, but you don't see what makes them so special. Can't you just use a callback? What's the big deal? In this article, we'll...

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    Track JavaScript Errors with Google Analytics

    Google Analytics has always been more than a hit counter and demographic tool -- you could build a career out of being a Google Analytics analyst.  You can measure ad campaign effectiveness, track how far into a desired page flow (think advertisement to cart to checkout)...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    Look Ma, no CMS!

    I hate complexity. And when I say hate I really mean it. When you build websites several years, you start realizing that the simplicity is your best friend. As simple one system is as easy is to develop and maintain it. Nowadays, every...

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    Mighty Deals:  6 Professional iOS7 App Design Templates

    Just because Apple claims, "There's an app for that," doesn't mean programmers are out of a job. Far from it. Every day more and more amazing, helpful, and downright fun apps are introduced. And if you're sitting there looking to get in on the fun...