Get the Git Commit ID via Command Line

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I know just enough git to be dangerous.  I'm not doing advanced bisecting but I can stash, rebase, and reset with the best of them.  One new trick I learned from my boss, Luke Crouch, saves me loads of time:  getting the commit ID via command line.  For years I would merge a PR, go the project's main page, and copy the commit ID so that I could push code to staging and production.  Always seemed like an extra step rather than just making it happen from the terminal.  Here's the magical command:

git rev-parse HEAD

Of course you need to update your local repo to remote master, but you do that anyway, right?  Hopefully this will become a timesaver the same way it has for me!

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  1. On Mac, you should try this, it will copy the commit ID to your clipboard:

    git rev-parse HEAD | pbcopy
  2. Also you can use short version of git hash:

    git rev-parse --short HEAD
  3. Daniel Mejia

    I miss working a Mac, but Windows is working out just great too.

    git rev-parse HEAD | clip
  4. Christian Knappke

    To shorten things further, you can use @ as an abbreviation of HEAD.

  5. Adam Stankiewicz

    Here’s npm package if you need it in JS:

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