Weekend Links – Opera, IE7.js, PHP RSS Parsers, Network Solutions Steals Domain Ideas, Eclipse and PHP, Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest

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Why Opera?

The men of Opera state their case for Opera being the browser available.


IE7.js Version 2 Beta

Dean Edwards releases version2 of his JavaScript library aimed at making IE7 a standards compliant browser.


PHP RSS Parsers

Articles discusses usage of popular RSS parsers written in PHP.


Network Solutions Steals Domain Ideas; Confirmed!

Network Solutions violated the privacy of many visitors that used their WHOIS checker. Essentially they reserved the domains looked up by visitors. Needless to say, many people are furious with the registrar.


Eclipse and PHP

We all know Eclipse used heavily by java developers, but Eclipse can also be used for PHP.


Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest

jQuery's John Resig discusses cross-site XMLHttpRequest in Firefox 3.


Recent Features

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    6 Things You Didn’t Know About Firefox OS

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    Conquering Impostor Syndrome

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Incredible Demos

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    Facebook Open Graph META Tags

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    Display Images as Grayscale with CSS Filters

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  1. What IDE or text editor do you use for php?

    I use uestudio.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!