Weekend Links – MooVirtualPano, Syntax Highlighting, Image Crop, PHP Classes, Revision3 Attack

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mooVirtualPano is a nice MooTools plugin for panning across elements with overflow. The site employs questionable cursors....ignore those.


MooTools Syntax Highlighting for Dreamweaver

If you'd like to add the MooTools functions to your trusty Dreamweaver, this forum post shows you how. If you're a jQuery guy, feel free to use this tutorial to highlight jQuery functions.


mooImageCrop - AJAX Image Crop Utility

ArtViper does some great MooTools work. This time they drop image cropping functionality.


30 Useful PHP Classes and Components

Finding a great PHP class can enhance your productivity and improve your application exponentially. I can vouch for many of these classes and look forward to trying out some of the others.


Revision3 CEO: Blackout Cause By MediaDefender Attack

MediaDefender went on the offensive and seemingly DOS'd the Revision3 servers. How dare they! How else will people see my article featured on Diggnation?


Recent Features

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    CSS 3D Folding Animation

    Google Plus provides loads of inspiration for front-end developers, especially when it comes to the CSS and JavaScript wonders they create. Last year I duplicated their incredible PhotoStack effect with both MooTools and pure CSS; this time I'm going to duplicate...

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    Vibration API

    Many of the new APIs provided to us by browser vendors are more targeted toward the mobile user than the desktop user.  One of those simple APIs the Vibration API.  The Vibration API allows developers to direct the device, using JavaScript, to vibrate in...

Incredible Demos

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    MooTools Link Fading

    We all know that we can set a different link color (among other properties) on the hover event, but why not show a little bit more dynamism by making the original color fade to the next? Using MooTools 1.2, you can achieve that effect. The MooTools...

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    Animated Progress Bars Using MooTools: dwProgressBar

    I love progress bars. It's important that I know roughly what percentage of a task is complete. I've created a highly customizable MooTools progress bar class that animates to the desired percentage. The Moo-Generated XHTML This DIV structure is extremely simple and can be controlled...


  1. These resources are quite nice. Especially the PHP Components are very helpful.

    “The site employs questionable cursors….ignore those.” Oh yes. I see an upcoming Web 2.0-trend where websites will have big cursors like that.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!